Happy 4th — It’s a Fluffle!!!

Rachel A Fefer
1 min readJul 4, 2022

Yes…That’s a Real Word…Look It Up Yourself, I’m Not Wikipedia

The fluffle I disturbed on my walk this morning (Author’s Photo)

When I moved to Switzerland and learned more of the language-French, in my case-I decided it wasn’t enough to be entertaining at dinner parties. No, I took a job teaching English as a second language.

I wasn’t qualified, at all, but when you tell someone you’re a lawyer, especially a European, they automatically think you can do almost anything. In Devil’s Advocate, when Pacino says “it’s the ultimate backstage pass,” he’s not far off. It’s rather bizarre.

Collective nouns like “fluffle” were one thing I taught my class in Fribourg. English is a wonderful language.

I didn’t have much more to say today except, if you’re ever in Fribourg, and a civil servant greets you with “Manos arriba, motherfucker!” — tell them Rachel says “Hi!” ;)

Oh, here’s why I decided to learn French in the first place, enjoy!

Stay tuned, there’s always more ;)



Rachel A Fefer

Human in training - “Standards, no matter how minimal, are important”