The Matterhorn, Some Mercenary Marmots and a Daring Rescue

Rachel A Fefer
8 min readJan 28, 2023

Another Installment of “Vacationing With RAF”

You can’t really see the Matterhorn back there, but I look fabulous ;) (Author’s Photo)

The only thing that beats sunset over the Matterhorn is sunrise over Ha Long Bay— or maybe midday in the Brazilian rain forest. It’s a tough call because I’ve seen some pretty cool stuff. But when we lived in Switzerland, Zermatt was my favorite destination.

Mainly because you get to drive your car onto a train and ride in it through the mountain on one route. Switzerland’s very mountainous and they don’t fuck around trying to avoid the things. They punch straight through.

Think Elon was the first to consider the benefits of going fast underground? Think again. The Swiss opened the Gotthard Base Tunnel back in 2016 — the deepest rail tunnel on Earth.

We missed the opening ceremonies which involved partial nudity. Go watch them on YouTube, it’s hilarious. They’re a very weird, pretty no bullshit group about everything. I like that about the Swiss.

But I digress, as always…

My Introduction to Mountaineering or How the “Sure, let’s” Approach Can Backfire

I’ve always had a bit more youthful exuberance than was healthy and I’m also pretty competitive. Mostly with myself, but I’m always up for a good…



Rachel A Fefer

Human in training - “Standards, no matter how minimal, are important”