PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Rachel A. FeferThe last 58 years have been extraordinary, and the universe has seen fit to give me no end of material. I’ve already started telling…Jun 20, 202227Jun 20, 202227
Switzerland is Stunning and Stunningly Sexist In Some RespectsProving the patriarchy is a global Good Ol’ Boys club1d ago101d ago10
Fuck Fridgescaping, My Style is More “Genteel Squalor”With five cats and fifty-odd years of stuff that’s an achievement, trust me3d ago203d ago20
The Mortgage Company Wanted Me to Sign as a “Femme Sole” and This Single Woman Said “Oh Hell No!”Patriarchal bullshit always pisses me off and I do what I can6d ago466d ago46
The Three Things That Keep Me Rested and Ready for Whatever Comes NextI recommend all three, but your mileage may varyJan 3026Jan 3026
Extreme Circumstances Teach Extremely Important LessonsWith my backstory, my Marvel character would be called “The Extremist” with the power to control chaos…kind ofJan 2817Jan 2817
I’m No Michael Clayton But I’ve Played “Fixer” A Few TimesAn object lesson in “sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who”Jan 2512Jan 2512
Trump’s Third World Policies Are Causing Me First World ProblemsMy masseur fled the country in fearJan 2423Jan 2423
How I Handle People Who Harsh My ZenThese methods help me avoid manslaughter charges, maybe they can do the same for youJan 2230Jan 2230
When Laypeople Argue Law With A Litigator It Rarely Ends Well…For ThemI’m coping with the problem children trying to undermine my condo Presidency, but it’s not easyJan 1928Jan 1928