ORDRAFFLE: How to play the First-Ever Ordinals Raffle Game!

Crypto Mischief
4 min readMay 7, 2024

The ORDRAFFLE is a unique raffle app that operates on the Bitcoin Layer 2 “Merlin Chain.” It offers a novel way for participants to win blue-chip ordinal inscriptions for as little as $20.

This medium article will explain the simple rules of Ordraffle and how to quickly get set up to play Ordraffle on Merlin Chain to win your first blue-chip inscription.

The Rules

The raffle rules are subject to “per round” upgrades, which depend on the value of the Ordinal prize, but each round adheres to this structure:

  • The amount of tickets to buy is set before each draw.
  • One winner is selected after all tickets are sold.
  • Each wallet can purchase a fixed number of tickets set before each round.
  • The combined ticket prices are set to equal the floor value purchase of the ordinal + 12% fee.
  • Increased entries enhance your likelihood of securing the prize.

So, as an example, let’s take our round one raffle for a Runestone inscription, which is currently running.


🎟️ Max Tickets Available: 100

🎟️ Max Tickets per Wallet: 8

🎟️ Cost of Ticket: 0.0003 wBTC ($19)

After all 100 tickets are sold, one winner will be drawn.

Everybody wins rule

Here at the PXP Wizards, we love to play fair, so any wallet that buys 50 tickets over time and doesn’t win gets sent a PXP Wizards Ordinal! Find out more about our mascot inscription here: https://pxpwizards.com.

How to Play

Step one

Download a Bitcoin Ordinals Wallet. We suggest Xverse: https://www.xverse.app/

This wallet is easy to use. You should install it, write down your seed phrase, and open it.

Click on receive and then note down your “ordinals wallet” address as you will need it if you win.


Step 2

Download an EVM-capable wallet like Metamask: https://metamask.io/, write down the seed, and deposit crypto from another wallet or centralized exchange.

Set up Merlin Chain on your Metamask by going to Chainlist: https://chainlist.org/chain/4200 and adding it to your wallet.

Step 3

Let’s get some funds on Merlin Chain! The gas-paying token on Merlin Chain is Bitcoin. You must first have BTC on this chain to make transactions and trade for wBTC to buy raffle tickets.

There are many ways to get funds to the Merlin Chain. We recommend using Owlto finance to bridge from a chain you have funds on to Merlin. In the picture below, we are sending BTC from Arbitrum to the Merlin chain.

Owlto finance

Step 4

Ordraffle tickets are bought exclusively with wBTC. So, a quick swap is needed. The largest DEX on Merlin Chain is Merlin Swap. You can go to Merlinswap and trade some of your BTC for WBTC to buy raffle tickets.


Finally, go to the Ordinals Raffle App and check out what Ordinal is being raffled. Connect your wallet to the Raffle, approve the contract for the amount of wBTC you want to spend on tickets, and then continue to buy your tickets! Check on the app or our Discord for the winner’s announcements! Good Luck!

How to Claim your prize?

So you played and won! Congratulations. Winners of the Ordraffle will notice two things. Immediately after the raffle is drawn, the winners wallet will be sent an NFT on Merlin Chain which acts as their “proof of win”. The winner simply has to visit the ordraffe.club site and make sure you are connected with your winning wallet. Scroll down to the winners list at the bottom of the page and click “claim”.

You will then be prompted to provide your Bitcoin Taproot (Ordinals) address, which we set up earlier in this post. Once you have set the address, your ordinal prize will be sent from our treasury to your Bitcoin Main net wallet.

Raffle Restart

Once the winner has claimed their prize, the treasury buys another Bitcoin Ordinal, sets the new parameters, and the Ordraffle begins again!


Ordraffle: https://www.ordraffle.club/

PXP Wizards: https://pxpwizards.com/

Discord: https://discord.gg/dZVDtjxCZ9

