Launching behind schedule..

R Freeman
1 min readFeb 22, 2020

One of the things I have had to learn was PATIENCE. As an entrepreneur we envision and execute. Results are sometimes instant. Well, with an app things don’t happen as quickly. You run into funding issues, coding issues, time zone issues, testing issues, app store requirements the whole nine. We forecasted having a completed app by July 2019 and 6 months later we still have not launched.

You simply don’t know what you don’t know. Bake in unexpected set backs and the journey will be a lot less stressful. I have lost my cool plenty of times because progress was not in my control no matter how strong my will. I had to sit back, let my team work, and be patient. When you are a part of a team, building a startup, and “an app” at that, despite your positive mental attitude, you must plan for worst case scenarios. Losing your cool hurts the team morale and slows down progress. I do credit my COO for attempting to warn me of Murphy’s law, “whatever can go wrong, will”.

It’s a journey. #eysplay



R Freeman

Serial Entrepreneur and Business Development Strategist