27-Chapter Novel Writing: A Guide

Ryan Jimenez, LPT, MAELS
4 min readDec 21, 2023


The 27-chapter novel writing technique is an approach that structures a novel into distinct segments, each chapter representing a specific element or stage of the storytelling process. This technique is derived from the three-act structure commonly used in storytelling, with each act further divided into nine chapters. The first act introduces the setting, characters, and conflict, spanning chapters 1 to 9. The second act develops the plot, intensifies the conflict, and explores character growth across chapters 10 to 18. Finally, the third act resolves the conflict, ties up loose ends, and delivers the climax and conclusion in chapters 19 to 27. This technique provides a systematic framework for authors to map out their narratives, maintain pacing, and ensure a compelling story arc throughout the novel.

Act I — Setup (Chapters 1–9)

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction to the protagonist and their ordinary world: This chapter introduces the main character, their daily life, and the setting before any major events or conflicts occur.
  2. Chapter 2: Inciting incident that disrupts the protagonist’s life: Something significant happens that pushes the protagonist out of their comfort zone or sets the main conflict in motion.
  3. Chapter 3: Protagonist’s initial reaction and denial of the situation: The protagonist reacts to the inciting incident, potentially denying its significance or trying to return to their ordinary life.
  4. Chapter 4: Meeting a mentor or receiving guidance: The protagonist encounters someone who offers guidance, advice, or knowledge essential to their journey.
  5. Chapter 5: Protagonist begins to accept the call to action: The protagonist starts to acknowledge the importance of the situation and considers taking action.
  6. Chapter 6: Setting goals and making plans: The protagonist starts planning and setting goals to confront the conflict or achieve their objective.
  7. Chapter 7: Meeting allies or forming important relationships: The protagonist allies with other characters who will aid them on their journey or support their cause.
  8. Chapter 8: Facing initial obstacles and setbacks: The protagonist encounters initial challenges or obstacles as they begin their quest or mission.
  9. Chapter 9: A turning point that leads to Act II: A significant event or decision occurs, leading the story into Act II and escalating the conflict.

Act II — Confrontation (Chapters 10–18)

  1. Chapter 10: Protagonist enters a new world or faces new challenges: The protagonist enters a different environment, faces tougher challenges, or encounters new adversaries.
  2. Chapter 11: Deepening conflicts and rising tensions: The conflicts intensify, and the stakes become higher for the protagonist.
  3. Chapter 12: Protagonist’s growth and learning through experiences: The protagonist learns from their experiences, grows, and develops new skills or insights.
  4. Chapter 13: Relationship developments or conflicts with allies: The relationships between characters evolve, potentially leading to conflicts or strengthening alliances.
  5. Chapter 14: Major setback or crisis point: A significant setback or crisis occurs, posing a serious challenge to the protagonist’s goals.
  6. Chapter 15: Regrouping and adapting to the setback: The protagonist regroups, rethinks their strategy, and adapts to overcome the setback.
  7. Chapter 16: New revelations or discoveries that change the game: Critical new information or revelations surface, altering the direction of the story.
  8. Chapter 17: Formulating a revised plan or strategy: The protagonist devises a new plan or strategy to tackle the escalating challenges.
  9. Chapter 18: A climactic moment leading to Act III: A crucial turning point or event occurs, leading the story towards the final act.

Act III — Resolution (Chapters 19–27)

  1. Chapter 19: Renewed determination and final preparations: The protagonist gains renewed determination and prepares for the ultimate challenge ahead.
  2. Chapter 20: Gathering resources or allies for the ultimate challenge: The protagonist gathers necessary resources, allies, or strength for the final confrontation.
  3. Chapter 21: Showdown or confrontation with the main antagonist: The protagonist faces the main antagonist or the primary obstacle in a decisive confrontation.
  4. Chapter 22: Darkest moment for the protagonist: The protagonist faces their lowest point, seemingly with no hope of success.
  5. Chapter 23: Epiphany or realization that leads to a new approach: The protagonist has a moment of realization or gains a new perspective that changes their approach to the conflict.
  6. Chapter 24: Rallying forces and regaining hope: The protagonist regains hope and gathers their strength for a final push.
  7. Chapter 25: Final battle or climax of the story: The story reaches its peak with the final battle or confrontation, where the conflict is resolved.
  8. Chapter 26: Resolution of conflicts and tying up loose ends: Loose ends are tied up, and conflicts are resolved, providing closure to the story.
  9. Chapter 27: Conclusion, where the protagonist has undergone significant change and the story’s themes are solidified: The story concludes, showing the protagonist’s growth, changes, and the overall impact of their journey, while reinforcing the central themes of the narrative.

This structure serves as a guideline and can be adjusted or modified to fit the specific needs of your story. Each chapter within the acts should contribute to the overall narrative arc, character development, and progression of the plot.

