5 Reasons You Can’t Use Hamster Balls.

R.J Thatcher
2 min readJul 17, 2023


(Day 7 of the 30 Day Writing Challenge)

If you have a hamster then great! These guys are fun pets to have and are very energetic! But… can we use hamster balls? The flat answer is absolutely no.

I know it’s ironic, we can’t use hamster branded toys for our hamsters… but having owned pets for a while now… it’s important to understand not every pet store and every brand is going to do things correctly, and keep in mind that their job is too sell you their products.

1. Poor ventilation.

Everyone knows as you exercise or run, you must breathe. Same goes for hamsters. These balls are basically all plastic and you can’t breathe properly inside of them.

2. Paws can get stuck.

On the other hand, the small holes they do give you are just large enough for paws, nails, and legs, which is very dangerous.

3. They can’t see.

Hamsters have horrible vision! They mainly rely on scent, taste, and smell to travel and live. Inside these balls, they limit all of those senses except their sight! Again, dangerous and unhealthy.

4. Not enriching- it’s stressful.

Now, I know, my entire care is based off of enrichment, but keeping your hamster busy should be fun for the animal. (This should be obvious.) Yet, hamster balls do not meet this requirement, they are unbelievably stressful for your animal.

5. Running in waste.

Hamsters as they run and do their business inside their cage, they naturally go to the bathroom at the same time. Inside these balls, there is only one place to use the bathroom, on themselves.

Photo by Silje Roseneng on Unsplash

As you can see, using a hamster ball to allow your hamster exercise, is the best way to kill your hamster. If you are worried about your hamsters energy levels, research other ways to play with your hamster. As long as its not inside a ball! :)

~ R.J Thatcher

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R.J Thatcher

Animal obsessed ;) A blog for educating those who want to responsibly own animals.