Announcing Flog, a New Git Branch Viewer for Vim from the Former Maintainer of Gitv

Roger Bongers
2 min readMar 3, 2019


Since 2016, I have been the maintainer of Gitv, a lovely Git branch viewer for Vim. Today, although I am sad to announce that I’ll no longer be maintaining Gitv, I am excited to announce that I have started a new light branch viewer for Vim, Flog.

Flog in all its glory

Flog integrates with the awesome fugitive Git plugin for Vim.

Why start a new branch viewer?

When I started maintaining Gitv, there were a lot of user requests for customization.

To fully realize these requests required changing Gitv down to its core, so I made a new plugin instead.

With the most minimal commands, I’ve hopefully replaced the wealth of features that come with Gitv and have made even more possible.

What can I do with it?

Find and Checkout Branches

Auto-completion allows you to easily perform any actions like checkout branches

Explore History

Keybindings allow you to view the diff of the current commit quickly

Perform Bisections

The remaining commits in the current bisection can be viewed using bisect mode

…And Much, Much More

The open API allows you to program your own Git workflow

Where can I find out more?

For more information, please see the official GitHub page.



Roger Bongers

I’m a professional software developer. My interests include writing chiptunes, video synthesis, mathematics, graphics programming, robotics, and more.