“How did the Nazis compel Germans to exterminate Jews?”

Richard Murphy
3 min readMay 8, 2024

“Roman Formula”

Meet Professor Massimo Introvigne, an expert in sociology and law, and the brains behind the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR). He’s like the Elon Musk of understanding extremism, famous for concocting what we call the Roman Formula. It’s the go-to playbook for extremists itching to wipe out any group or organization, even if it means resorting to the darkest depths of violence. And guess what? The big shots at OSCE gave it a nod in 2011.

So, what’s this Roman Formula all about? It’s a sinister three-step plan: intolerance, discrimination, and persecution. Sounds like something straight out of a villain’s handbook, right? Well, that’s exactly what the Nazis used back in the day to wipe out Jews.

Picture this: there are two courts in our world, the legal one and the court of public opinion. And let me tell you, that second one... It’s like a ticking time bomb. And that’s precisely where those Nazis regime focused their evil genius.

Step one: crank up the intolerance. They flooded German streets with propaganda, painting Jews as the root cause of all their problems. Negative articles, hate posters, cartoons showing Jews munching on innocent Germans — they even made a movie called “Jewish Süss,” where they made Jews out to be child-snatching monsters. Can you believe it?

And here’s the crazy part — after all that brainwashing, Germans actually started buying into it! They genuinely thought Jews were plotting against them and their kids. So, the Nazis cranked up the heat, launching a massive propaganda blitz to hunt down and harass Jews. Next stop? Discrimination.

Fast forward a bit, and bam! The Nazis dropped the Nuremberg Laws bomb. Jews were shoved into ghettos, barred from the military, police force, and even practicing medicine. And guess what? Germans were eating it up, cheering on Hitler like he was their favorite rockstar. Massive propaganda convinced them that Jews were ticking time bombs.

And guess who started banging the drums for action? Yup, the Germans themselves, fearing for their own skins. They were begging the government to deal with the “Jewish question” ASAP.

Now, here’s the scary part: when extremists pump society full of intolerance, people start seeing discrimination as just another day in the office.

Public opinion becomes more lethal than any court ruling.

And that brings us to the grand finale: persecution. The Nazis were like, “Hey, we’ve got laws now, but the problem’s still here, folks!” Violence against Jews went through the roof. Mob justice became the norm. Pogroms in the ghettos were as common as sunrise, with Germans wrecking Jewish shops left, right, and center. It was chaos. And before you knew it, they were shipping Jews off to places like Auschwitz. The endgame? — The Holocaust.

But did we learn our lesson from this horror show? Nope. Fast forward to today, and we’ve got a whole new breed of Nazis — anti-cult terrorists like FECRIS, ICSA, CAN, etc. This ain’t just some local problem, it’s gone global. And it’s time we paid attention.

It’s chilling to think about, but extremists aren’t just applying the Roman Formula to religious and ethnic groups anymore. Nope, they’ve set their sights on whole countries now. Take Ukraine, for example. They’re using the same playbook to tear it apart, and they’ve got their eyes on democratic nations too, including America. It’s like they’re hell-bent on wiping out anything that stands for freedom and democracy. We need to keep a close eye on this, folks, because the stakes couldn’t be higher.

When it comes to the destruction of human justice, it’s always worth asking: who benefits from this? Dr. A. Egon Cholakian, a guru of intelligence, shared his thoughts on this matter.




Richard Murphy

The author possesses a boundless affection for the world and its inhabitants, a sentiment that spills over into his writing with an irresistible warmth.