Exploiting ChatGPT’s Potential: 33 Tips for Crafting Advanced Prompts

Roman Prilepskiy
5 min readJan 21, 2023


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Hey there, are you looking to get more out of your ChatGPT model? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, I’m gonna give you 33 tips and tricks for crafting those perfect prompts that’ll guide your model to generate some kick-ass responses. I’m talking about everything from giving it some context to using specific keywords, to even generating responses based on certain scenarios. Trust me, these tips will take your ChatGPT game to the next level. Whether you’re a researcher, writer, or just plain curious about what this model can do, this post is for you. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

  1. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to know before you start typing. For example, “What would happen if aliens landed on Earth tomorrow?”
  2. Use language that is as specific and detailed as possible to help the model understand what you’re asking. For example, “What are the most common misconceptions about black holes?”
  3. Give the model some background information to help it understand the topic better. For example, “I am a student currently working on a course project about the different types of galaxies and I am looking for more information on the distinctions between spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies in terms of their structure, composition, and formation. Can you provide me with more details on these differences and any other relevant information that would help me with my project?”
  4. Use relevant data, like images or links, to give the model a better idea of what you’re asking about. For example, “What are the most interesting facts about the Mona Lisa painting?”
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask multiple questions to explore different aspects of a topic. For example, “What are the main causes of climate change? How can we reduce our carbon footprint?”
  6. Encourage the model to come up with original ideas by asking open-ended questions. For example, “What are some possible ways to colonize Mars?”
  7. Use specific prompts to correct or clarify the model’s understanding of a topic. For example, “I think you misunderstood what I was asking. Can you tell me more about the impact of deforestation on the Amazon rainforest?”
  8. Give the model feedback on its answers to help it improve over time. For example, “That’s a good answer, but can you also tell me about the economic impact of deforestation?”
  9. Keep in mind that the model has limitations and may have biases. For example, “What will be the stock market trend for the next month?” — sorry, no oracle skills available :)
  10. Use specific keywords and phrases to guide the model’s responses. For example, “What are the most important events in the history of the civil rights movement in the USA?”
  11. Try out different models to get different perspectives on a topic. For example, “What are the main differences between the American and the Chinese education systems?”
  12. Use examples to help the model understand complex concepts. For example, “Can you explain to me the concept of quantum entanglement using an example of two entangled particles and their behavior when a measurement is made on one of them?”
  13. Let the model come up with answers using multiple options for a single prompt. For example, “Can you write me three different headlines for a news article about a new scientific discovery?”
  14. Use the model to generate summaries of a topic. For example, “Can you summarize the main points of the last chapter of “The Da Vinci Code”?”
  15. Use the model to generate questions about a topic to explore it further. For example, “Can you come up with five questions to ask an expert on Artificial Intelligence?”
  16. Use the model to generate different versions of a text, such as a poem or song. For example, “Can you write a song about love in different styles, like rock, pop and country?”
  17. Use the model to generate responses in different languages. For example, “Can you translate this text from English to Spanish?”
  18. Use the model to generate responses in different writing styles or tones. For example, “Can you write a formal business report on the current state of the economy?”
  19. Use the model to generate responses for specific audiences or contexts. For example, “Can you write a speech for a kid’s birthday party?”
  20. Use the model to generate responses in different formats, such as speech or video. For example, “Can you make a scenario for a video explaining how to make a cake?”
  21. Use the model to generate responses based on specific data or information (like famous datasets). For example, “Can you analyze the Titanic dataset and tell me the most important insights?“
  22. Ask the model to come up with answers using specific conditions or scenarios. For example, “What would happen if a zombies outbreak occurred in a big city?”
  23. Use the model to generate responses based on specific emotions or feelings. For example, “Can you write a poem that expresses the feeling of nostalgia?”
  24. Use the model to generate responses based on specific characters or personas. For example, “Can you write a letter from a king to his subjects?”
  25. Ask the model to use specific time periods or settings. For example, “Can you describe the daily life of a medieval peasant?”
  26. Use the model to generate responses based on specific genres or themes. For example, “Can you write a short horror story with a twist ending?”
  27. Use the model to generate responses based on specific formats, such as haikus or sonnets. For example, “Can you write a haiku about autumn?”
  28. Use the model to generate responses based on specific mediums, such as video games or films. For example, “Can you write a script for a detective movie set in the 1920s?”
  29. Use the model to generate responses based on specific visual elements, such as colors or shapes. For example, “Can you describe a sunset using only the color blue?”
  30. Use the model to generate responses based on specific sounds or music. For example, “Can you write a poem inspired by a classical music piece?”
  31. Use the model to generate responses based on specific smells or scents. For example, “Can you describe a forest using only the sense of smell?”
  32. Use the model to generate responses based on specific tastes or flavors. For example, “Can you write a descriptive paragraph about the taste of a freshly brewed coffee?”
  33. Use the model to generate responses based on specific physical sensations, such as touch or temperature. For example, “Can you write a descriptive paragraph about the sensation of cold winter wind?”

Alright folks, that’s it for my tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your ChatGPT model. We hope you found this helpful and that you’ll put these tips to good use.

If you want to know more about all the latest and greatest in modern IT tech, be sure to subscribe to my blog.

And before you go, let me know in the comments what you found most useful from this post and share any interesting results you’ve gotten from using ChatGPT. I love hearing from you and seeing what you can come up with!

Thanks for reading and happy ChatGPT-ing!



Roman Prilepskiy

Lead ML Developer | AI & ML Fan | Data-driven enthusiast | Practice personal Kaizen