Almanac: Phases


Public domain in the United States of America, {{PD-US}} — US work that is in the public domain in the US for an unspecified reason, but presumably because it was published in the US before 1929; (cc-zero, image retrieved via Wikimedia Commons), Description: Italiano: Figura dall’Almanacco Perpetuo di Rutilio Benincasa, G.A. Ramondini, 1732
Public domain in the United States of America, {{PD-US}} — US work that is in the public domain in the US for an unspecified reason, but presumably because it was published in the US before 1929; (cc-zero, image retrieved via Wikimedia Commons), Description: Italiano: Figura dall’Almanacco Perpetuo di Rutilio Benincasa, G.A. Ramondini, 1732

Moonrise — Sunrise

Waning moon—rises and shines

time is beginning—this:

7:36 p.m.

It’s passing through to light, (tonight),

then, rays when set, its lunar ways.

Sun amassing—(for the time being):

8:38 a.m.



Renée Elizabeth Winfield

I draw stuff…write stuffier; may tinker more or file some stuff(s)