Construct a microbiome correlation network using QIIME2 and visualise with Cytoscape
Why correlation network?
Network analysis offers a powerful way to understand the microbiome’s complexity, predict its functions, and find connections to health and disease. It gives us a glimpse into the microbial social world and helps us make informed decisions about interventions that could improve our well-being.
Revealing microbial relationships and structure
Microbes don’t work alone. They interact with each other in complex ways. Network analysis helps us uncover these interactions and understand how microbes influence one another. It’s like uncovering a hidden social network within the microbial world. This also helps us identify important members of the community and groups of microbes that tend to collide.
Predicting functions
Microbial interactions and community structure give us hints about what the microbiome can do. Network analysis lets us combine metagenomic data with other omics data to predict the functions of the microbiome. By looking at the network’s patterns and identifying important nodes, we can make educated guesses about what the microbes are up to. For instance, to identify specific interactions or community patterns associated with the disease, could lead to new ways of diagnosing or treating diseases
Steps to construct a correlation network
Before you start...
- Gain assess Linux operating system
- Download QIIME2-2020.11 version:
1. Install SCNIC
In Linux operating terminal, activate QIIME2–2020.11
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8
export LANG=en_US.utf-8
conda activate qiime2-2020.11
conda install -q scnic
pip install scnic
Install package and plugin
pip install git+
qiime dev refresh-cache
2. Prepare input data
Arrange OTUs from your sample data as the format shown below with Microsoft Excel
- Shared name: Unique display characters on the nodes in the network (could be OTU ID, name of species ... )
Export table as (.tsv) or (.txt)
In Linux operating terminal, convert file format
- From (.tsv) or (.txt) to (.biom)
biom convert -i table.txt -o feature_table.biom --table-type="OTU table" --to-hdf5
- From (.biom) to (.qza)
qiime tools import \
--input-path feature_table.biom \
--type 'FeatureTable[Frequency]' \
--input-format BIOMV210Format \
--output-path feature_table.qza
3. Run SCNIC
Filter feature with abundance total below 500 and all features with an average abundance less than 2 across all samples
qiime SCNIC sparcc-filter \
--i-table feature_table.qza \
--o-table-filtered feature_table-filtered.qza
Calculate correlations between features and create network using Pearson's method
qiime SCNIC calculate-correlations \
--i-table feature_table-filtered.qza \
--p-method pearson \
--o-correlation-table feature_table_correls.qza
Detect and summarise modules of features
qiime SCNIC make-modules-on-correlations \
--i-correlation-table feature_table_correls.qza \
--i-feature-table feature_table.qza \
--p-min-r .35 \
--o-collapsed-table feature_table.collapsed.qza \
--o-correlation-network feature_table_net.modules.qza \
--o-module-membership feature_table_membership.qza
Export "feature_table_net.modules.qza" and download output
qiime tools export \
--input-path feature_table_net.modules.qza \
--output-path /
Visualising network with Cytoscape
Install Cytoscape:
1. Import network into Cytoscape
Drag network(.gml) into the marked panel
- Alter network appearance with "Style" tool bar on the left side
- Adjust scale of the network with "Layout Tools" at the bottom left
(Optional) Alter network appearance based on input data
- Arrange data as the format shown below with Microsoft Excel
- Shared name must be the same with input feature table
- Each column represents a target grouping (eg. Classifications-phylum)
2. Save as (.tsv) or (.txt)
3. Import to Cytoscape as table
4. Change appearance by selecting the representing column
i.e. Change node fill colour based on the label
5. Save and export network after touching up
- Shaffer, M., Thurimella, K., Sterrett, J. D., & Lozupone, C. A. (2023). SCNIC: Sparse correlation network investigation for compositional data. Molecular Ecology Resources, 23, 312– 325.