The role of organizational culture in shaping employee attitudes and behaviors

Divya Teja
2 min readJun 19, 2023


Since organizational culture incorporates common values, beliefs, norms, and practices inside an organization, it has a significant impact on employee attitudes and behaviors. It affects how workers feel, act, and think. Here are a few ways organizational culture may affect workers:

1. Values: Employee behavior is frequently governed by a set of basic principles and standards that are established by an organization’s culture. These principles outline what is significant to the company, such as honesty, teamwork, creativity, and customer focus. Employees prefer to align their attitudes and behaviors in accordance with these beliefs once they internalize them.

2. Work Environment: A company's work environment influences the employees in a way that leads to employee satisfaction, growth, and success if the work environment is positive. However, when the work environment is not in the employee’s favor, it may impact the employee’s behavior negatively, like stress, disengagement and toxicity.

3. Adaptability and Change: Culture can help or hurt an organization’s ability to change and adapt. Employees that work for companies with flexible and adaptive cultures are frequently more receptive to change and eager to adopt novel approaches. Employee reluctance to change might, however, be exacerbated by inflexible or resistive cultures.

4. Leadership: Employee attitudes and behaviors are greatly influenced by leaders. The foundation of the organizational culture is set by the conduct of leaders, the principles they uphold, and their relationships with staff. Employees are more likely to adopt and align their attitudes and behaviors in accordance with the culture’s basic principles when leaders continuously model these behaviors.

5. Communication and Transparency: Organisational culture also affects how people communicate with one another. Employees who work in an environment that emphasizes open and honest communication are more likely to share information, offer feedback, and voice their opinions. This promotes psychological safety, cooperation, and trust. A culture that discourages free communication, on the other hand, might result in information silos, disagreements, and low morale.

6. Teamwork: Team dynamics and collaboration are influenced by an organization’s culture. Positive attitudes and behaviors among employees are encouraged by a culture that values cooperation, teamwork, and mutual support. On the other hand, a competitive or individualistic culture could produce unfavorable traits like information hoarding or reluctance to work together.

In conclusion, organizational culture is crucial in determining the attitudes and behaviors of employees. It influences how staff members view their working environment, their level of dedication and involvement, and their readiness to support the organization’s beliefs and objectives.

Divya Teja

Knowledge Analyst

KRSH Welfare Foundation

