Rebecca Olewine
5 min readMar 14, 2019


I want to say I pretty much stopped using Facebook and Google when Shopify came out which coincided with the Privacy breach that I got sucked into 10 years ago with Google but didn’t realize it until September 25th of 2018. I believe Google is worse than Facebook in its own way. Facebook is AI at its worst. I like talking to people with my voice not a keyboard or this little handheld box I used to constantly have in my hands. I can truly say that I’ve done much better yet. Because I’ve moved to Instagram. But you’re still a spin off of Facebook. Definitely want to get completely away from Google Facebook and all related. I would really like something different then YouTube now. One of the other things that ruined it for me with Facebook what is the crowdfunding. I got so many trolls feeding off me because of that and 99.9% off of them think that every social media site is for dating. If that wasn’t enough to seal the deal then definitely messenger with all their DIC pics. The video chats are even worse. And of course the more I say that the more I get because the targeted advertising. How to bring Google back into it again. Google absolutely corrupted both Facebook and the internet in general by manipulating their search results and everything being synced to Gmail. As we speak thanks to Facebook’s webinars on Shopify, Frank Duncan maliciously and deliberately ensured that I added a e-mail Miner extension. Not for a legitimate business purpose. No Frank Duncan maliciously make sure that I installed the Chrome browser extension so now there’s a effing worm installed in my root directory( and yours too I’m sure), that runs twice a day on my Gmail account and it creates a file called my inbox helper twice a day. At least. One to withdraw every email I’ve ever received put it into a file send it out to my drive which is no longer private and I have no control over, has the ability and I’m sure it does, manipulate every email coming and going into that Gmail account. Then after it’s done manipulating it or corrupting and or doing whatever they want to. Whoever they are unknown third parties. Create an email they want me to see and that’s the second file that gets created. Put back into my Gmail account. Without me ever even knowing it because all done behind the scenes. And once you create that Gmail account they have to agree to their terms unless you agree to the terms you gave the world permission to mine your inbox. You really should do more articles on how Google does not protect your privacy. What I’d really like to see with Facebook though is for me to be able to uninstall it from everything I have. But it comes pre-installed. And me the owner of whatever device I choose to use cannot uninstall Facebook and then it two runs in the background. I couldn’t figure out why on my cell phone plan if I spend 95% of my time on Wi-Fi, usually on my home Wi-Fi how can I be using so much data? Because Facebook and Google are running in the background overriding all my Authority and permissions and using my data like I use my water. Remember how we used to use the flashlight on our cell phone? Didn’t need anything but the flashlight app. Now you have to give it permission to use your microphone and your camera. Really? For a flashlight. I do apologize I am trying to stay on topic here. But it is very hard not to group them all together. It’s hard to get away from Facebook though when everybody you know or do business with or interact with in any way shape or form is on Facebook and that’s the only way to communicate with them. Facebook was definitely the first but I think all social media it’s pretty much the same and that is artificial. The whole #bullsh*t and the “Support” groups do so much more harm than good. People actually go there and join the groups or #check on me for mental and emotional support and get nothing until you click here. I probably joined 200 groups on Facebook for support when my best friend passed away. I’ve been constantly fill out my information on every single group and beg people to please contact me so I could talk to them. Hear someone else’s voice. What a major disappointment when all you get is a thumbs-up or a like or a :-(. I have close to 5000 friends on Facebook and who knows how many trolls following me that aren’t “friends”. I call them stalkers. Hundreds of people wish me a happy birthday on Facebook this year. Means nothing to me if I don’t go on Facebook anymore. Not one of them called me though. I even got tons of the virtual ecards. But not one single birthday card in the mail. I take that back I got one from Geico. It is unfortunate that we as human beings build-up false trust and false hope that there is actually someone that cares about us when we post something on Facebook. You really see the level of care the people show when you don’t go on Facebook. another unfortunate thing that happened with my experience with Facebook is when I joined back in 2009 I made all my real friends my contacts and as time passed and the crowdfunding and targeted advertising fake news the trolls took over and now my real friends can’t even contact me on Facebook or if they do there’s so many other meaningless messages from people I have no clue who they are that are placed first in my news feed or my messages because I run out of time and I never get to see that they even posted something or sent me a message. Too much fake news and targeted advertising has to come first. I think Facebook lost its Integrity when it had to answer to shareholders. I wish the United States was as strict as the EU with Facebook and our right to privacy. But I found out that Facebook violated my civil rights I contacted the Attorney General’s office as well as dozens of other agencies and could get no help from anyone. Nobody wanted to take on Facebook or Google. I say it’s time to take them both down. That’s why I’m geomining.

