CS 373 Spring 2020: Namit Agrawal

Namit Agrawal
2 min readFeb 8, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This past week, I worked on homework and projects assigned by all my classes. I passed all the hackerrank tests for Collatz earlier this week and then focused on writing on proper code with good variable names and code flow. In addition to that, I also wrote a script to generate several acceptance tests for me. I finally finished Collatz yesterday by updating the README and creating a log of all my commits. I really enjoyed working on this project as it taught me the proper workflow and introduced me to several tools such as pydoc and black. Lastly, I also got started on my homework for Finance and Algorithms and have only few more questions to go.

What’s in your way?

The Gitlab CI kept failing for me early on as I kept on pushing code and I was unaware of how to fix the problem at the time. After taking with the TA at office hours, I was able to figure out the problem which was not updating the bad test cases in RunCollatz.out. Once I sorted that out, everything was smooth sailing from there on.

What will you do next week?

Next week I plan to finish all my assignments from other classes and do all the required readings. I have three midterms coming up two weeks from now, so I plan to start studying by reviewing lecture notes and assignments to get a head start. It is important that I start studying now so that I don’t get in the position of cramming couple days before the exam. In addition to that, I will continue my preparation for the GRE.

What was your experience of exceptions, types, and operators?

I have lots of experience with exceptions, types and operators as I have used them for a very long time. It was quite interesting learning about these in Python as there are some subtle differences with how they are used versus other languages.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy that I was able to complete the Collatz project this week and get started on other assignments early. I was also able to take some time out to go the gym this week so I have been feeling very energized and refreshed.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is getting started on projects early so that you have enough time to complete it and ask questions!

