Top 3 Path Of Exile 3.1 Build For Inquisitor Templar

Kenneth Hill
4 min readDec 14, 2017


The Templar is Path of Exile’s 3.1 strength/intelligence hybrid class, an ideal balance of brawn and wits. He’s a skilled fighter, trained in a wide array of weapons, in the sharpest cutlass towards the heaviest two-handed mace. He’s comfortable as well wielding a shield, because of additional protection or like a deadly bludgeon. In combat, this pious warrior is expert at augmenting his substantial offense with an array of magical abilities. The Templar can also be skilled at taking punishment, and he’s pleased to be up in front lines, becoming a martyr and champion for his ranged buddies. So many POE 3.1 Inquisitor Templar build content is waiting for us. Don’t miss any of it! If you need to buy poe 3.1 currency, please pick up your phone immediately and find

[POE 3.1] Crit Volatile Dead Inquisitor — Cheap, 8k eHP+ Allrounder

Top 3 Path Of Exile 3.1 Build For Inquisitor Templar

Check this skill tree:

The concept:
Because this build doesn’t have unique needs, you are able to go ham here. You have to have some supply of leech though — leech enchanted boots are the most useful solution, but any elemental existence leech source & a mana pot could work too. The products here are simply uniques which you can use instead of rares if you want their mechanics or want more damage.


- Fast mapping on all layouts.

- Good boss killer (500k — 1m actual shaper/protector DPS)

- Cheap (You can begin mapping rapidly having a 1c scepter.)

- A minimum of 8k eHP (5.8k Life + MoM) at level 90.

- Zero needed uniques.


- VD’s mechanics mean you can’t respond to threats the moment they seem.

- T10 mapping can slow you lower as the white-colored mob DPS is not absurd.

- Reflect maps aren’t happening.

- Life sustain is entirely pot-dependent until you really can afford a Catalyst or leech enchanted boots.

- Desecrate’s cooldown can limit sustained damage output in lengthy boss fights.


[POE 3.1] Bashtart’s Freezing Spark BV Inquisitor * fast, fun, easy league starter & engame build!

The concept:
Offense is the greatest defense… the synergy between high crits and sparks everywhere leads to freezing mobs all around the map. We produce a shield of freezing sparks around us that is healing us with each and every hit. We freeze nearly everything before it also hit us… which makes this build extremly safe, easy, fast and fun to experience!


+ top tier clearspeed

+ high single target dps with BV

+ safe mapping (all mods are possible except ele reflection)

+ viable for lvl 100

+ easy, fast and fun to experience

+ extremely fast movement speed


- can’t facetank everything

Also check out his build:

[POE 3.1] Guardian]PartyJesus: Running (almost) ALL the Auras without Shav’s

Top 1 Path Of Exile 3.1 Build For Inquisitor Templar

Check this skill tree:

The concept:
I have performed a Manabased-Aurabot in Prediction and Essence, since i feel its unfortunate down the sink the additional ES-Buff if going Bloodmagic. Even though BM is excellent (if you’re able to afford a Shav’s its certainly simpler to experience) I have grown found of Victaro’s Influence and also the possibility it reveals.

Pros and Cons:

+ Less Expensive compared to Bloodstream Magic Variant.

+ Reserves Mana and doesnt let Unwavering Belief be wasted.

+ Still Manages 10–11 selfcast Auras.

+ Reaches 1600 ES/sec without counting on Vaal Disciplin, thus staying away from to loose the “Stamina Fight”.

+ Adaptable.

- You ought to get ~120 Chaos Resist. None Uniques will concentrate on that.

- Leaves only Space for 1 interchangeable Item: Gloves or Ring usually.

- Chance of quietly bleeding out if you do not watch HP and have Arcane Vision.

Also check out this build:


I have used this path of exile 3.1 Inquisitor Templar build, to date at level 90, worked out pretty well, just watch the chaos damage and you are usually all set. Make certain your CWDT auras are right and phase run is casting after immortal call. will let you gain more cheap poe items in the following days. Buy poe chaos orbs and keep an eye on the Inquisitor Templar build.

