Essential Live Ops Calendar: Key Dates and Art for F2P Games

Ruslan Valeev
3 min readMar 13, 2024

Incorporating events and offers into your game is a widely used practice in live operations management and can positively impact the product’s metrics when executed correctly. Utilizing these strategies in conjunction with App Store Optimization (ASO) can be particularly effective for maintaining interest among existing players and attracting new users.

Below is a list of major global and US-specific dates around which you can build your live ops calendar. Remember, not every date requires a full-scale event; for some, simply preparing a templated offer where only the key art and content change is sufficient. This allows for a flexible approach in your live ops strategy while ensuring players are continually engaged through varied and contextually relevant content.

Having events and offers is a important aspect of live operations management. However, it is essential to balance the benefits provided by these offers to avoid creating excessive advantages that could lead to “offer hangover” or cannibalization of your standard offers. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Balance and Value: Ensure that the value provided by events and offers does not significantly overshadow the game’s regular progression and rewards. This balance helps maintain a healthy in-game economy and player engagement.
  2. Resource Outlet: Accompany offers and events with clear opportunities for players to spend the acquired currency and resources. However, it’s not always necessary to offer sheer value; sometimes, providing unique thematic customization options can be just as appealing. These could include special skins, avatars, or environment decorations that align with the event’s theme. This approach allows players to engage in personalizing their experience without directly impacting the game’s economy or progression balance.
  3. Event Integration: Seamlessly integrate events into the live operations calendar without overwhelming players with back-to-back high-value offers. Spread out events and offers to give players time to engage with regular content and anticipate upcoming special activities.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your events and offers. Pay attention to player feedback and in-game data to understand the impact on your game’s economy and overall player satisfaction. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience.
  5. Remote Configurations and Value Management: Utilize remote configuration tools to manage and adjust the values and availability of your events and offers in real-time. This allows for quick adaptations based on player engagement and feedback without requiring updates through app stores. By controlling offer parameters, event durations, and special content availability remotely, you can fine-tune the player experience, ensuring it remains fresh and engaging. Additionally, this practice enables you to perform A/B testing, analyze player behavior, and implement improvements swiftly, ensuring that your live operations strategy remains dynamic and player-focused.

By keeping these points in mind, you can design a live ops calendar that enhances player experience without undermining the value of your game’s standard offers. This approach ensures long-term engagement and a healthy, sustainable in-game economy.

