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Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript Operators and Precedence

Rabail Zaheer
9 min readSep 2, 2023


Operators are the workhorses of programming languages, enabling you to perform a wide range of operations on data. Whether you’re adding numbers, comparing values, or manipulating strings, operators provide the essential building blocks for expressing complex computations in a concise and understandable way.

As a beginner diving into the world of JavaScript, understanding operators is a foundational step towards becoming a proficient developer. But it’s not just about knowing how to use operators; it’s equally crucial to comprehend how they interact and prioritize when combined within an expression.

This is where the concept of operator precedence comes into play. Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. Just like in mathematical equations where multiplication takes precedence over addition, JavaScript follows a set of rules to ensure that expressions are evaluated correctly.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the fascinating world of JavaScript operators and explore operator precedence. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge needed to confidently wield operators, compose intricate expressions, and avoid unexpected evaluation outcomes.

So, let’s unravel the mysteries of JavaScript operators and delve into the significance of operator precedence — a crucial aspect of crafting efficient and accurate code.

Arithmetic Operators and Their Usage

Arithmetic operators form the bedrock of performing mathematical operations in JavaScript. They allow you to manipulate numbers and compute results for various tasks. Let’s explore the common arithmetic operators — +, -, *, /, and %—and see how they can be used in different scenarios.

1. Addition (+)

The addition operator (+) is used to add two numbers or concatenate two strings.

Addition in JavaScript using “+” operator

2. Subtraction (-)

The subtraction operator (-) subtracts one number from another.

Subtraction in JavaScript using “-” operator

3. Multiplication (*)

The multiplication operator (*) multiplies two numbers.

Multiplication in JavaScript using “*” operator

4. Division (/)

The division operator (/) divides one number by another.

Division in JavaScript using “/” operator

5. Modulus (%)

The modulus operator (%) returns the remainder after division.

Returning the Remainder in JavaScript using “%” operator

Usage with Variables

Arithmetic operators can also be used with variables:

Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript with Variables

These examples demonstrate how arithmetic operators can perform calculations and manipulations on both literal numbers and variables. Understanding these operators is crucial for handling various numeric operations in your JavaScript programs.

Comparison Operators for Evaluating Conditions

Comparison operators play a pivotal role in programming by allowing you to evaluate conditions and make decisions based on the comparison of values. These operators enable you to check whether values are equal, greater, lesser, or a combination of these. Let’s introduce the common comparison operators in JavaScript and understand how they work.

1. Greater Than (>) and Less Than (<)

The greater than (>) and less than (<) operators compare two values to determine if the left value is greater or lesser than the right value, respectively.

Comparison Operators in JavaScript: Greater than > and Less than <

2. Greater Than or Equal To (>=) and Less Than or Equal To (<=)

The greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) operators check if one value is greater than or equal to, or lesser than or equal to, the other value.

Comparison Operators in JavaScript: Greater than or equals to ≥ and Less than or equals to ≤

3. Equality (===) and Inequality (!==)

The equality (===) operator checks if two values are equal, while the inequality (!==) operator checks if two values are not equal.

Comparison Operators in JavaScript: Equality and Inequality Operators

Returning Boolean Values

Comparison operators return Boolean values — true or false—based on the evaluation of the comparison. These Boolean results are crucial for making decisions and controlling the flow of your program.

Usage in Conditions

Comparison operators are commonly used in conditions to determine the flow of your code. For example:

Comparison Operators in JavaScript inside conditions.

In this example, the comparison operator >= checks if the age is greater than or equal to 18, determining whether the person is eligible to vote.

Understanding comparison operators is essential for implementing conditional logic and creating dynamic, responsive programs that react to different scenarios.

Logical Operators for Combining Conditions

Logical operators allow you to create more complex conditions by combining multiple expressions or values. These operators are pivotal for building decision-making logic that considers multiple factors simultaneously. In JavaScript, the three primary logical operators are && (logical AND), || (logical OR), and ! (logical NOT). Let's delve into the functionality of these operators and explore how they enable the creation of intricate conditions.

1. Logical AND (&&)

The logical AND operator (&&) returns true if both operands are true; otherwise, it returns false.

Logical AND operator in JavaScript

In this example, the result is true only when both isPositive and isEven are true.

2. Logical OR (||)

The logical OR operator (||) returns true if at least one operand is true; otherwise, it returns false.

Logical OR operator in JavaScript

Here, the result is true because hasMembership is true, even though hasCoupon is false.

3. Logical NOT (!)

The logical NOT operator (!) is a unary operator that negates the truth value of an expression.

Logical NOT operator in JavaScript

In this case, isNotFull becomes false because !isFull negates the value of isFull.

Combining Conditions

Logical operators are especially useful for creating complex conditions that consider multiple factors. For example:

Logical Operators in Combining Conditions

In this example, the && operator ensures that both conditions are satisfied before allowing someone to rent a car.

By combining these logical operators, you can craft conditional statements that accurately reflect real-world scenarios and make informed decisions based on multiple factors.

Assignment Operators and Their Shortcuts

Assignment operators are essential for assigning values to variables, and they become even more powerful when combined with shorthand techniques. These operators not only allow you to assign values but also perform an operation in a concise manner. Let’s explore the different assignment operators in JavaScript and understand how their shortcuts can streamline your code.

1. Assignment (=)

The assignment operator (=) is the simplest form, used to assign a value to a variable.

Using Assignment Operator in JavaScript

2. Addition Assignment (+=)

The addition assignment (+=) operator adds a value to a variable and assigns the result back to the variable.

Using += Operator in JavaScript

3. Subtraction Assignment (-=)

The subtraction assignment (-=) operator subtracts a value from a variable and assigns the result back to the variable.

Using -= Operator in JavaScript

4. Multiplication Assignment (*=)

The multiplication assignment (*=) operator multiplies a variable by a value and assigns the result back to the variable.

Using *= Operator in JavaScript

5. Division Assignment (/=)

The division assignment (/=) operator divides a variable by a value and assigns the result back to the variable.

Using /= Operator in JavaScript

6. Modulus Assignment (%=)

The modulus assignment (%=) operator calculates the remainder of a variable divided by a value and assigns the result back to the variable.

Using %= Operator in JavaScript

Shorthand Assignment Benefits

Shorthand assignment operators enhance code readability and conciseness. They allow you to perform operations and assignments in a single step, reducing the need for repetitive code. Additionally, they are more efficient, making your codebase faster and easier to maintain.

Using Shorthand Assignment

Compared to the longer version:

Using the Longer Version

By incorporating shorthand assignment operators into your code, you streamline your programming process while maintaining clear and expressive code.

Operator Precedence and How It Affects Expressions

As you build more complex expressions in JavaScript, it’s important to understand how the order of operations is determined. This is where the concepts of operator precedence and associativity come into play. Let’s delve into these concepts to understand how they impact the evaluation of expressions.

Operator Precedence

Operator precedence refers to the order in which operators are evaluated when an expression contains multiple operators. Just like in mathematics, certain operators take precedence over others. For example, multiplication is performed before addition. JavaScript follows a set of rules to determine which operator should be evaluated first.


In cases where multiple operators of the same precedence level are present in an expression, associativity determines the order in which these operators are evaluated. Operators can be left-associative (evaluated from left to right) or right-associative (evaluated from right to left).

Operator Precedence Table

To provide you with a clear understanding of operator precedence, let’s take a look at a simplified table showcasing the precedence of different operator types in JavaScript:

Operator Precedence Table

Keep in mind that this table is simplified and omits some operators for clarity. Refer to official documentation for a complete list.

Expression Examples

Consider the following expression:

An Example of an Expression in JavaScript to understand Operator precedence in action

Here, multiplication (*) has higher precedence than addition (+), so 5 * 3 is evaluated first, resulting in 15. Then, 10 + 15 is computed, yielding a final result of 25.

Understanding operator precedence and associativity is crucial to writing accurate and predictable code. By mastering these concepts, you’ll ensure that your expressions are evaluated in the intended order, leading to correct results in your programs.


Congratulations, you’ve navigated the intricate landscape of JavaScript operators and operator precedence! Armed with this newfound knowledge, you’re better equipped to craft expressive, efficient, and reliable code that can tackle a wide array of computational tasks.

In this guide, you’ve journeyed through arithmetic operators for numerical calculations, comparison operators for evaluating conditions, logical operators for combining expressions, assignment operators for streamlined assignments, and the nuances of operator precedence that dictate the order of operations within complex expressions.

As you continue your programming journey, remember that operators are the building blocks that empower your code to perform feats both simple and complex. Whether you’re solving mathematical problems, making decisions based on conditions, or creating intricate expressions, operators are your allies in the world of programming.

By mastering the art of operators and understanding their precedence, you’re well on your way to crafting code that is not only functional but also elegant and efficient. As you apply these concepts in your projects, you’ll find that your code becomes more organized, readable, and predictable.

Thank you for joining us on this guide through JavaScript operators and their precedence. Your understanding of these concepts marks a significant milestone in your journey towards becoming a proficient JavaScript developer. So, keep coding, keep experimenting, and keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve with the power of operators!

Happy coding!


  1. MDN — Operators
  2. JavaScript Equality Table
  3. MDN — Operator Precedence
  4. JavaScript Comparison and Logical Operators



Rabail Zaheer

Junior Frontend Developer exploring web's wonders. Passion for pixels, addicted to adventure. Join my coding journey! ✨🚀