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JavaScript Execution Context: Behind the Call Stack

Rabail Zaheer
14 min readSep 14, 2023


Welcome to the fascinating world of JavaScript execution context — a core concept that forms the foundation of how JavaScript code runs. In this exploration, we will unravel the mysteries of this concept, demystifying what the JavaScript execution context is and why it’s crucial for understanding the inner workings of your JavaScript code.

The JavaScript execution context is the environment in which your JavaScript code is executed. It includes all the necessary information and settings for your code to run, such as variables, functions, scope, and more. Think of it as the backstage area where your code comes to life, where every line of JavaScript is orchestrated and performed.

Importance of Understanding Execution Context

Understanding execution context is like having a backstage pass to a concert — you get a glimpse of what’s happening behind the scenes. Here’s why it’s essential:

  1. Variable Scope: Execution context defines where variables and functions are accessible, helping you avoid unexpected behavior or conflicts in your code.
  2. Function Execution: It’s the key to understanding how functions are called and how their execution context interacts with the call stack.
  3. Hoisting: Execution context plays a role in hoisting, the behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during compilation.
  4. Closures: To grasp closures fully, you need to understand how execution contexts maintain access to their outer lexical environments, enabling functions to “remember” variables from their parent scopes.
  5. Debugging: A solid understanding of execution context is invaluable for debugging, as it allows you to trace the flow of your code and identify issues effectively.

Understanding the Call Stack

In the world of JavaScript execution context, the call stack is a fundamental concept that acts as a backstage manager, keeping track of function calls and orchestrating their execution. It’s a vital component of how JavaScript manages the flow of your code.

The Call Stack: A Function Tracker

At its core, the call stack is a data structure — a stack, to be precise — that operates on the “last in, first out” (LIFO) principle. Imagine it as a stack of plates where each plate represents a function call in your code. When a function is invoked, a new plate (or frame) is added to the top of the stack. When the function completes, its plate is removed from the stack.

Managing Function Execution

Let’s explore how the call stack manages function execution:

  1. Function Invocation: When a function is called, a new execution context is created for that function. This context includes information about the function’s variables, parameters, and its place in the overall code execution.
  2. Pushing onto the Stack: The newly created execution context is pushed onto the call stack, becoming the active context. This means the function’s code is now in control, and it will execute its statements sequentially.
  3. Stacking Up Calls: If a function calls another function, a new execution context for the called function is created and pushed onto the stack on top of the calling function’s context. This forms a stack of contexts, with the most recently called function on top.
  4. Popping Off the Stack: When a function completes its execution (reaches the end of its code or returns a value), its execution context is popped off the stack. The control returns to the context below it.
  5. Repeating the Process: This push-pop mechanism continues as functions are called and return their results, ensuring that the JavaScript code is executed in the correct order.

Example of the Call Stack

Consider this simplified example:

Call stack Example

Here’s how the call stack manages the execution:

  1. main() is initially pushed onto the call stack.
  2. main() calls greet('Alice'), so a new context for greet is pushed onto the stack.
  3. Inside greet(), the console.log() statement is executed, and then greet() returns. Its context is popped off the stack.
  4. Control returns to main(), which then calls welcome(), pushing its context onto the stack.
  5. welcome() executes its console.log() statement and returns.
  6. Finally, main() completes and is removed from the stack.

Understanding the call stack is essential because it allows you to trace the execution of your code, identify potential issues like stack overflow errors, and gain insight into the order in which functions are called.

Global Execution Context

At the heart of every JavaScript program lies the global execution context, the initial environment where your code begins its journey. Understanding the global execution context and how it’s created is essential for grasping how JavaScript code is structured and executed.

Defining the Global Execution Context

The global execution context is the top-level context in a JavaScript program. It represents the global scope, encompassing the entire program and all its components. This context sets the stage for the entire code execution process and plays a pivotal role in managing global variables and functions.

Creating the Global Context

The global execution context is automatically created when a JavaScript program starts running. Here’s what happens during its creation:

  1. Initialization: When your JavaScript code is loaded by a web browser or executed by a JavaScript runtime environment (like Node.js), the global execution context is initialized.
  2. Global Object: A global object (also known as the window object in a browser environment or the global object in Node.js) is created. This object serves as the global scope, and all global variables and functions become properties and methods of this object.
  3. This Binding: In the global context, the this keyword is bound to the global object. This means that when you refer to this at the top level of your code, it points to the global object.
  4. Outer Environment: The outer (or parent) environment of the global context is set to null since there is no outer context beyond the global scope.
  5. Creation of Global Variables and Functions: Any global variables and functions declared in your code are hoisted and initialized within the global context.

Example of the Global Execution Context

Consider this simple example:

Global Excecution Context Example

In this case:

  • The global execution context is created when the script starts running.
  • The globalVar variable is declared and initialized in the global context.
  • The greet function is also defined in the global context.
  • When greet() is called, it accesses and logs the value of globalVar from the global context.

Understanding the global execution context is crucial because it forms the foundation upon which all other execution contexts are built. As we dive deeper into function execution contexts and scope, you’ll see how they interact with the global context to create a cohesive environment for your JavaScript code.

Function Execution Context

In the intricate dance of JavaScript execution, functions play a starring role. Understanding how function execution contexts are created and the concept of function scope is vital for unraveling the mysteries of JavaScript’s behavior.

Creating Function Execution Contexts

Function execution contexts come into play when a function is invoked. Each time a function is called, a new execution context is created to manage its execution. Here’s what happens during the creation of a function execution context:

  1. Initialization: When a function is called, a new execution context is initialized specifically for that function. This context includes its own set of local variables, parameters, and a reference to the outer environment where the function was defined.
  2. Scope Chain: The function’s execution context has access to its local variables and parameters, as well as variables in its outer environment. This forms the scope chain — a hierarchical chain of variable lookup that extends from the innermost context to the outermost global context.
  3. This Binding: The this keyword within a function's execution context is determined by how the function was called. It may refer to the global object (in non-strict mode) or be explicitly set by the caller.
  4. Arguments Object: A special arguments object is created in the function's execution context, which holds all the arguments passed to the function.

Function Scope

One of the critical concepts related to function execution contexts is function scope. Function scope dictates the visibility and accessibility of variables within a function.

In JavaScript, variables declared within a function using the var keyword are function-scoped. This means they are accessible only within the function where they are declared. Variables declared outside any function, in the global context, are considered global variables and can be accessed from anywhere in the code.

Here’s an example to illustrate function scope:

Example to demonstrate function scope

In this example:

  • localVar is a function-scoped variable and can only be accessed within the greet function.
  • globalVar, declared in the global context, is a global variable and can be accessed both inside and outside the function.

Function scope ensures that variables within a function do not clash with variables in other parts of your code, promoting encapsulation and preventing unintended variable interference.

Execution Stack and Execution Flow

To truly grasp the dynamics of JavaScript execution, it’s essential to delve into how execution contexts are stacked within the call stack and understand the intricacies of execution flow. This section will provide a visual representation and examples to illustrate these concepts.

The Call Stack: Stacking Execution Contexts

The call stack operates like a stack data structure, keeping track of execution contexts in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) manner. As functions are called and returned, their respective execution contexts are pushed onto and popped off the stack.

Let’s explore a visual representation of the call stack:

Visually understanding the call stack
  1. When the program starts, the global execution context is initially pushed onto the call stack.
  2. The firstFunction() is called from the global context, and its execution context is pushed onto the stack.
  3. Inside firstFunction(), console.log('Inside firstFunction') is executed, and then secondFunction() is called, pushing its execution context onto the stack.
  4. Inside secondFunction(), console.log('Inside secondFunction') is executed.
  5. secondFunction() returns, so its execution context is popped off the stack.
  6. Control returns to firstFunction(), which completes and is popped off the stack.
  7. Finally, the global context completes, and the program finishes its execution.

Execution Flow: A Visual Example

Consider this example with function calls and their corresponding execution contexts:

A visual Example for Execution flow

Visualizing the execution flow:

  1. The global execution context is initially on the call stack.
  2. calculate() is called from the global context, and its execution context is pushed onto the stack.
  3. Inside calculate(), multiply(5, 3) is called, pushing the execution context of multiply() onto the stack.
  4. multiply() returns its result, so its execution context is popped off.
  5. Control returns to calculate(), where add(result1, 2) is called, pushing the execution context of add() onto the stack.
  6. add() returns its result, and its execution context is popped off.
  7. calculate() completes and returns the final result to the global context.
  8. Finally, the global context completes, and the program finishes.

Understanding the call stack and execution flow helps you visualize how JavaScript manages the execution of code, ensuring that functions are called and executed in the correct order. It also helps you identify potential issues, such as stack overflow errors when the call stack becomes too deep.

Scope and Variable Access

In the world of JavaScript execution contexts, the concept of scope defines the visibility and accessibility of variables within different execution contexts. Understanding how variables are accessed and managed in local and global scopes is crucial for writing clean and predictable JavaScript code.

Local and Global Scope

Local Scope: Local scope refers to the visibility and accessibility of variables within a specific execution context, typically a function. Variables declared inside a function using the var, let, or const keywords are scoped to that function. They are considered local variables and can only be accessed within that function.

Understanding the Local Scope

In this example, message is a local variable within the greet function, and it cannot be accessed outside of that function.

Global Scope: Global scope encompasses the entire JavaScript program. Variables declared outside of any function, in the global context, are considered global variables. They are accessible from any part of your code.

Understanding the Global Scope

In this example, globalVar is a global variable that can be accessed both inside and outside the greet function.

Variable Access Within Execution Contexts

When a variable is referenced within an execution context, JavaScript first looks for that variable within the local scope of that context. If the variable is not found locally, it then searches in the next outer scope, continuing up the scope chain until it reaches the global scope.

Consider this example:

Variable Access within the Execution Context
  • Inside the greet function, localVar is accessed first from the local scope, and if it doesn't exist locally, JavaScript looks in the global scope for globalVar.
  • When the function greet() is called, it has access to both local and global variables.
  • Outside the function, in the global context, globalVar is accessible, but localVar is not defined, so attempting to access it results in an error.

Understanding scope and variable access within different execution contexts is fundamental for writing clean and maintainable code. It helps prevent unintended variable conflicts, promotes encapsulation, and ensures that variables are used where they are intended to be used.

Hoisting and Function Declarations

Hoisting is a peculiar behaviour in JavaScript that can sometimes lead to unexpected results if not understood correctly. It impacts the way both variable declarations and function declarations are processed within an execution context. In this section, we’ll introduce hoisting and explore its effects on function declarations and variable declarations.

What Is Hoisting?

Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase, before the actual code execution. It gives the impression that declarations are “hoisted” to the top of the code, although the assignments or initializations remain in place.

Function Declarations and Hoisting

One of the key aspects of hoisting is its effect on function declarations. In JavaScript, function declarations are hoisted, meaning you can call a function even before it appears in the code.

Consider this example:

Understanding the concept of hoisting for functions

In this example, the greet function is called before it is defined in the code. This works because the function declaration is hoisted to the top of its containing scope (in this case, the global scope) during compilation.

Variable Declarations and Hoisting

Variable declarations are also hoisted, but there’s a crucial difference between them and function declarations. When a variable is hoisted, only the declaration is moved to the top, not the initialization. This means that the variable is accessible but undefined until it’s assigned a value.

Understanding the concept of hoisting in Variables

In this example, the variable x is hoisted, so it's accessible from the beginning of the scope. However, its value is undefined until the assignment var x = 10; is reached during the code execution.

Hoisting in Practice: An Example

Let’s combine function declarations and variable declarations to see hoisting in action:

Hoisting in practice

In this example:

  1. The hoistingExample function is called, and its execution context is created.
  2. Inside the function, console.log(x) is encountered. Even though x is hoisted to the top of the function scope, it's still undefined because the assignment hasn't happened yet.
  3. The variable x is assigned the value 10.
  4. When console.log(x) is encountered again, it logs 10 because the assignment has taken place.

Understanding hoisting is essential because it clarifies why variables and functions can be accessed before their actual declarations in the code. However, it’s recommended to declare and initialize variables and functions before using them to ensure code clarity and prevent unexpected behavior.

Closures and Lexical Scope

Closures are a powerful and somewhat mysterious concept in JavaScript. They form the foundation for many advanced JavaScript patterns and are closely tied to the concept of lexical scope.

Defining Closures

A closure is a function bundled together with its lexical environment. It allows the function to “remember” and access variables from its containing (enclosing) scope, even after that scope has exited.

Relationship with Lexical Scope

Lexical scope refers to the concept that variables and functions are scoped based on their location in the source code. In JavaScript, when a function is defined within another function, it creates a closure, capturing the variables from the outer (enclosing) function’s scope. This relationship between closures and lexical scope is fundamental to how closures work.

How Closures Work

To understand how closures work, consider this example:

Understanding Closures

In this example:

  1. The outer function defines a variable outerVar.
  2. Within outer, the inner function is defined, creating a closure. This closure captures the outerVar variable.
  3. The outer function returns the inner function.
  4. When outer is invoked and assigned to closureFn, it effectively "carries" the captured variable outerVar with it.
  5. Calling closureFn() later logs the value of outerVar even though outer has already exited. This demonstrates the closure's ability to remember and access variables from its containing scope.

Why Closures Are Important

Closures are important for several reasons:

  1. Data Encapsulation: Closures enable data encapsulation by allowing you to create private variables and functions within a scope, shielding them from external access.
  2. Maintaining State: Closures can maintain state across multiple function calls. This is useful for scenarios like event handlers and asynchronous code.
  3. Module Patterns: Closures are a key component in creating module patterns, which help structure and organize code into reusable components.
  4. Callback Functions: Many callback functions in JavaScript are closures. They retain access to variables from their parent scopes, which can be crucial for callback functionality.
  5. Memory Management: Closures play a role in managing memory. They ensure that variables referenced by a closure are not garbage collected as long as the closure exists.

Understanding closures and their relationship with lexical scope empowers you to write more expressive and maintainable code. They offer a level of flexibility and control that can significantly enhance your JavaScript programming capabilities.


In the realm of JavaScript, where code executes in a dynamic and event-driven manner, understanding execution contexts is the key to writing efficient, bug-free, and maintainable code.

As we conclude this exploration, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of understanding execution contexts in your JavaScript programming journey.

Efficiency and Bug-Free Code

Understanding execution contexts allows you to write code that runs efficiently. By comprehending how the call stack manages function calls and how variable scope impacts variable access, you can optimize your code for performance. Additionally, avoiding common pitfalls like scope-related bugs becomes more manageable when you have a solid grasp of these concepts.

Scope and Encapsulation

Scope is not just a technical aspect of JavaScript; it’s a tool for code organization and encapsulation. By harnessing the power of local and global scope, you can create clean and modular code structures that are easy to maintain and extend. Closures, closely tied to scope, enable you to encapsulate data and behavior within functions, promoting better code organization and reducing the risk of unintended variable interference.

Closures and Advanced Patterns

Closures are your allies in creating advanced JavaScript patterns. Whether you’re building modules, implementing callbacks, managing state, or creating private variables, closures provide the foundation for these advanced techniques. They open the door to powerful solutions for complex problems.

Memory Management

Understanding execution contexts also plays a role in memory management. When you understand how closures and references to variables work, you can ensure that memory is efficiently used, preventing memory leaks and improving the overall performance of your JavaScript applications.

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development and JavaScript frameworks, a solid understanding of execution contexts is a timeless skill. It forms the foundation upon which you can build robust, scalable, and efficient JavaScript applications.

As you continue your JavaScript journey, remember that execution contexts are not just theoretical concepts; they are the invisible machinery that powers your code. Embrace them, master them, and leverage them to become a more proficient and confident JavaScript developer.

So, the next time you write a function, manipulate the DOM, or create a closure, you’ll have a deeper appreciation and understanding of execution contexts happening behind the scenes.

Happy coding! ✨


  1. MDN Execution Contexts
  2. Closures in JavaScript — How and Why
  3. Module Pattern — Learning JS Design Patterns

These resources provide a wealth of knowledge to deepen your understanding of execution contexts, closures, and related JavaScript concepts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, they offer valuable insights to enhance your JavaScript skills.



Rabail Zaheer

Junior Frontend Developer exploring web's wonders. Passion for pixels, addicted to adventure. Join my coding journey! ✨🚀