Accounting of the Soul — and of Governance

Rabbis of Orthodox
2 min readAug 31, 2020


The Rabbis of Orthodox have been in deep contemplation during the month of Elul leading up to the High Holidays. As the world is going through historically unusual conditions, and as we all did our best to spend time virtually with family and loved ones even if we could not come into contact with them, we thought about how this year has been unique and also how it has, nonetheless had similarities to others in our lives. This year, of course, we have joined our global family in thanking healthcare workers and those directly supporting healthcare workers around the planet. That has been a big part of our thought process over the past month(s).

Why are Data Room products so OUTDATED??

Every year, during the High Holidays, it is appropriate to think about where we have been and where we are hoping to go — this is called an Accounting of the Soul. You may know, if you follow the Rabbis of Orthodox, that we began much of our R&D in the field of Data Rooms. So much of compliance, so much of governance, lives and breathes in virtual data rooms. There are many old, tired, crappy products out there (don’t make us name them! — Oy! We would love to name them!). To know them is to hate them. To use them is to loathe them. So, as we are experienced hands with such ancient products, we decided to begin our R&D efforts in the area of Data Science and to see if we could simply replace these old, tired products with 21st century editions.

Our thinking has evolved, and our product roadmap has developed quite a lot since we launched our efforts last year. As you know, we are a full-blown Governance Platform now, which includes elements of the traditional Data Room. But we have, we’d say, become a lot bigger!

Along our journey, we met a terrific Pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist named Nick Anderson. He’s a genius. We were lucky to work with him to make some cartoons that demonstrate how ancient, tired, and obsolete old data room technology really is! Everyone in a company is walking around with iPhones. But they are still basically looking at green screens when it comes to mission-critical Governance!

By Nick Anderson exclusively for Orthodox

Please enjoy the cartoon from Nick, made exclusively for!

Lots of warmth, and special wishes for good health around the world!

-The Rabbis of Orthodox



Rabbis of Orthodox

We saw that keeping track of legal and corporate documents was a mess, so we decided to do something about it. It’s called Orthodox and it’s awesome.