Connected Papers

3 min readMar 10, 2023


An Awesome Tool for Researchers and Grad Students

As a Masters student, I am constantly searching for new tools to streamline my literature search workflows and stay up to date on the latest research in my AI and Software In general. Recently, I stumbled upon Connected Papers, a website that provides a visual representation of research connections, and I was blown away by how much it improved my research process. In this article, I will share my personal experience with Connected Papers, highlighting its benefits and demonstrating how it can be used to explore new academic fields, create bibliographies, and discover important papers that might have been missed otherwise.

What is Connected Papers?

Connected Papers is a website that generates a graph of research articles related to a given paper. Users can enter a paper and explore similar papers in the field, allowing them to get a visual overview of a new academic field or ensure they haven’t missed an important paper. The tool is particularly useful in fields such as Machine Learning, where an overwhelming number of papers are published regularly, making it challenging to keep track of the latest research.

The Benefits of Connected Papers

Connected Papers offers a significant advantage with it’s ability to visually represent research connections, providing users with a better understanding of trends and dynamics in their field. This is especially useful for researchers interested in exploring the interconnectivity of different fields, as Connected Papers clusters related papers based on their connections, which cannot be easily observed in a traditional list of references. In addition, Connected Papers streamlines the research process by eliminating the need for researchers to keep lists or search through numerous papers, ultimately saving valuable time.

How to Use Connected Papers

Using Connected Papers is easy. To start, enter a paper of interest, and the tool generates a graph of related papers. Researchers can explore the graph and build more graphs for interesting papers that they find, allowing them to gain a real, visual understanding of the trends and popular works in their field. Connected Papers can also be used to create a bibliography for a thesis or research paper. Start with the references that are essential to the bibliography, and use Connected Papers to fill in any gaps.


Connected Papers is a valuable tool for researchers, offering a visual representation of research connections that allows users to better understand trends and dynamics in their field. With its easy-to-use interface and range of features, Connected Papers is an essential tool for researchers looking to explore new fields, stay up to date on current research, or create a bibliography for a thesis or research paper. If you’re a researcher looking to streamline your literature search workflows, give Connected Papers a try.




I'm a video game developer at Devoid Studio and a Masters student at BAU Lebanon. Passionate about immersive gaming and cutting-edge AI.