
Rabiah Damji
2 min readOct 8, 2015


From Switzerland, I took a train to Paris to visit my cousin Jiby- the one from Australia. He lives and works in Paris, which meant another adventure full of laughs, love, and new memories!

Eating Crepes on the Streets of Pariiiii’

Living in Paris really is a whole new experience. The nonchalant, relaxed, “let’s have a cup of coffee and sit for 5 hours” nature of Paris folk is exactly what I’m talking about. Back home, my dad calls me a lazy bum for taking my time…here it’s a LIFESTYLE. Guess I was born in the wrong country.

Let me tell you about the food…while I salivate and make you want to book a flight to Paris right now. My diet consisted of; freshly baked baguettes, exotic raclette’s of cheeses, and..oh wait that’s it. I literally ate bread and cheese every single day. But I’ve never been more satisfied in my life. From bakery goods, to street food crepes, to fancy restaurants, the food in Paris took my heart.

Raclette (best way to eat cheese)

Now to the beauty and history of Paris. The amount of history I learned in the last week would probably trump all of AP history in high school. Or maybe not because AP history just sucked and Paris is a better teacher.

There is nothing I love more than traveling around a new city metro station to metro station. As I come up the stairs from the underground world of pee, street music, and smart pick pocketers, I can feel the fresh air, smell the delicacies of street food, and taste the new memories.

The Louvre


