Are tall people more successful? Here is a detailed account of the success associated with height in the light of recent research. Explore the article to find out if there is any link between height and success.

Why Are Tall People More Successful? Is There a Link Between Height and Success?

Rabia Nawaz
5 min readMay 13, 2022

You might be curious to know whether anybody’s success story lies in their height. Then, based on our research, we would say, “YES.”

You might have been the subject of a few jokes and awkward nicknames like “Tall” or “Sasquatch” in your teens because of your height. But jokes apart, gestures matter a lot in one’s success. Your height is an easily spotted trait, as someone even notices you at a glance.

Researchers show that your height influences everything from:

  1. Your income
  2. Your health
  3. Your personality

To, How much will you be successful in your life?

Generally speaking, your chances of getting a job and succeeding at a workplace increase if you are taller than your co-workers.

Further, Tall people have more privileges in job opportunities, a greater chance of success, social recognition, and many more.

So, if you want to know more about “Why are tall people more successful in their lives, more prosperous, and more potent than short people?” Then keep on reading to discover the facts!

Let’s dig into some interesting facts to help you realize that being tall is a plus point.

1- Height affects success in life.

You might be wondering how much height counts if you want to be successful in life.

We would say, to some extent, it matters.

Tall people are more successful in their lives and careers than shorter people. Believe it or not, your height might show how successful you will or will not be.

Your height will make you more attractive and add a plus point to your personality. Moreover, it will open the gate to more opportunities to succeed. Even if you are one inch taller than your friend, you will have more advantages than them. Being taller makes a difference, whether one is a winner or a loser.

Studies suggest that if you are tall, then it means that you have a higher IQ level. And you can perform better in your life than those who are short or fat. So, you will enjoy more success in your career if you are tall.

Having a tall height means that you can cherish;

  • More social advantages
  • More career advantages
  • More economic advantages
  • More Relationship benefits
  • Certain Health benefits

Researchers strongly believe that taller individuals attain more success in personal and professional life. They look to have more authority and are more trustworthy. You will stand out from the crowd because of your taller height. People with lank size are the best fit for leadership positions.

2- Taller people have the edge over others

Here arises one more question!

Does being taller make a difference? And the answer is an absolute “YES.”

Being tall will surely give you an edge over others. Taller women and men are considered more influential, predominant, healthy, and intelligent.

Their chances of being chosen are higher in a competitive job. You will get more attention and respect if you are tall. Greatness and dominance are two traits that we usually link with height.

You will also achieve the following benefits if you are tall or have at least 6 feet height:

  • Relish leadership: we are biased when it comes to height. We want to see heightened people as our leaders. Employers treat tall people differently and see them as more competent and suitable for the job. Research shows that, on average, CEOs are taller than their staff.
  • Get a better job: we always associate strength and authority with height. So, people with a tall stature are more likely to get a better job than those who are short and less trustworthy.
  • Make more money: Several worldwide surveys claim tall men make more money. There is a correlative link between your height and the money you make in your career. Taller employees enjoy higher salaries, which helps them be more financially successful. A study in applied psychology claims that people earn an extra $789 per year for each inch above the average height.
  • Tall people are happier: Well, this might sound strange. But it’s a fact that taller people enjoy good health and seem more optimistic than the shorter ones. A study shows that taller people are more satisfied with their lives. They own more positive emotions, like happiness and enjoyment.

Furthermore, tall people are more likely to cross off their to-do lists and are more smatter. They are more productive in their jobs and hence achieve a prominent position in the workplace.

3- Tall people have better social skills

We use social skills in everyday communication and connect with other people verbally and nonverbally. And surprisingly, tall people win a point ‌here as well.

Research shows that tall people are more confident in themselves. Also, they have better social skills because they take part in sports, athletics, school clubs, etc. These activities boost their perception of themselves and lead them to successful lives.

A tall person has more self and social esteem, and as a result, people notice them more. Being a taller guy will make you more authoritative, and people will consider you a leader. These qualities enhance the social confidence of taller people.

Final Thoughts:

Feeling Overwhelmed;


Tall people indeed have so many benefits in terms of many things, and they enjoy a successful and luxurious life.

But if you are short, stop bothering with these stats and start developing more skills and enhancing your abilities. Your skills and abilities will make you stand out and help you in the long run.

Also, You can take your inspiration from Jack Ma and Ma Huateng, who are successful in their lives despite being short.

Have you ever gotten any benefit and achieved something in your life because of your height?

Then feel free to share with us in the comment section.

