Discovering 6 powerful Types of Learners and Learning Styles

5 min readOct 31, 2023



What are student learning styles?


Learning is a fantastic adventure, and every student is unique in how they learn best. We call these different ways “learning styles.” In this article, we’ll dive deep into what learning styles are, explore the six main types of learners, how they affect your learning, how it works for them and how to discover your own style.


“Learning styles are the different ways students like to learn and understand new information.”

Imagine it like this: when you’re exploring a new world of knowledge, there are various paths to choose from. Each learning style is like a unique path, and we all have our favorites.

What are the different types of learner on learning styles?

Understanding the 6 Learning Styles:

1.Visual Learners:


Visual learners excel when information is conveyed through visual means.

- They love pictures, diagrams, and videos.

- When they read, they create pictures in their minds.

- Colorful books and educational videos are their best friends.

- How It Affects Them:

- They may struggle if the lessons are mainly spoken without visuals.

- Visuals help them grasp and recall information more effectively.

- Visuals help them make sense of the world, like solving puzzles.

- Enjoyment in reading, especially books with lots of pictures.

- How it works for them:

- They remember information from pictures and diagrams.

- They enjoy colorful books and videos.

- They can create vivid images in their minds.

- Visuals make learning fun for them.

2. Auditory Learners:


- Auditory learners learn best by listening.

- They enjoy hearing stories, music, and conversations.

- They have great memories for things they hear.

- Audio books and group discussions make them happy.

- How It Affects Them:

- They may find it challenging if they have to read silently for long periods.

- But, too much quiet reading might not be their favorite.

- How it works for them:

- They remember stories, songs, and conversations.

- Enjoy participating in discussions and listening to audio books.

- Audio books and podcasts are great tools for them.

3. Kinesthetic Learners:


- Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing and moving.

- Hands-on activities and experiments help them understand.

- They like to move around while studying, like talking while walking.

- How It Affects Them:

- They can get restless in long, sit-down lessons.

- Sitting still for too long can be challenging for them.

- How it works for them:

- Hands-on activities and experiments help them understand.

- They love touching, building, and moving around.

- Active learning and projects help them focus and learn effectively

4. Reading/Writing Learners:

- These learners love reading and writing.

- They enjoy books and taking notes.

- Making lists and solving puzzles is their thing.

- Reading textbooks and taking detailed notes work well for them.

- How It Affects Them:

- They might feel bored if the lessons lack reading materials or note-taking.

- Textbooks and notebooks are their best study companions.

- But, too much talking without reading and writing might not be their strong suit.

- How it works for them:

- They remember what they read and write down.

- Enjoy taking notes, making lists, and reading textbooks.

5. Social Learners:

- Social learners thrive in the company of others.

- They love group projects and teamwork.

- Sharing ideas and talking with friends is their favorite way to learn.

- How It Affects Them:

- Isolation or long periods of individual work can be less enjoyable.

- How it works for them:

- They learn best through group activities and teamwork.

- Enjoy sharing ideas, discussions, and working with friends.

- Classroom collaborations are their forte.

6. Solitary Learners:

- Solitary learners prefer studying alone.

- They focus best in a quiet, distraction-free space.

- They like to figure things out by themselves and enjoy self-study.

- How It Affects Them:

- They might feel overwhelmed in noisy or group study settings.

- How it works for them:

- They focus best in a quiet, undistracted space.

- Enjoy independent study and self-exploration.

- Libraries and quiet rooms are their ideal study spots.

How to Discover Your Learning Style:

Now that you know about these different learning styles, you might wonder, “What’s my style?” Enhance your cognitive abilities and memory retention by experimenting with the most effective learning and memory-boosting methods tailored to your preferences. Do you remember more when you see pictures, hear stories, or do hands-on activities? Talk to your teacher and parents about it; they can guide you.

How Teachers and Parents Can Help:

Teachers and parents play a big role in your learning journey. They can use different teaching methods to reach all the learning styles in their class. When they know you’re learning style, they can support your education in a way that suits you best.

Which learning styles are best?

No One-Size-Fits-All:

Remember, there’s no one “best” learning style. It’s like saying one flavor of ice cream is the best — it depends on your taste. You’re learning style is like your superpower; it’s what makes learning exciting and effective for you. So, embrace your style and use it to make your learning adventure amazing!


- Learning styles refer to the unique ways individuals prefer to learn and process information.

- People have different learning preferences and may lean towards visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or reading/writing styles.

- Recognizing your learning style can enhance your educational experience and improve retention.

- It’s important to remember that learning styles are not rigid categories, and individuals can adapt to different styles as needed.

- Teachers and educators should strive to accommodate various learning styles to create more inclusive and effective learning environments.

  • Ultimately, understanding your learning style can help you tailor your study strategies and maximize your learning potential.

“Don’t forget to mention in the comments which learning style suits you.”

