Ancient Greece’s Odyssey from Holistic Parenting to Authoritative Leadership.

Rabitta Shahbaz
5 min readAug 16, 2023


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Credit: Gianni Pescura

In the heart of Ancient Greece, a profound transformation was underway — a shift in the way children were raised and nurtured. Central to this evolution were the philosophical inspirations of the time — Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Their ideas advocated for the cultivation of virtues, ethical insight, and critical thinking in young minds beyond mere survival. This paradigm shift in parenting marked a departure from previous civilizations, leading to an era of holistic upbringing that would resonate through history.

Credit: Alexandra Dalavagas

Holistic Parenting: An encompassing approach rooted in child development, placing the parent in the role of the child’s first teacher across all developmental domains — from physical and linguistic to intellectual and socio-emotional.

Join me to discover how Ancient Greek society, with its diverse city-states and societal dynamics, resonated with these philosophical ideals to redefine parenting, while societal changes and cultural interactions played their part.

Holistic Upbringing and the Shaping of Young Minds

Central to the evolution of parenting practices in Ancient Athens were the philosophical ideals espoused by renowned thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

These philosophers posited that,

The upbringing of children extended beyond mere physical survival to include the nurturing of moral virtues, critical thinking, and an understanding of ethics.

Leto, the goddess of music

Their teachings influenced parents to consider a holistic approach to child-rearing that encompassed both intellectual and character development.

Societal Changes

As Greek society underwent various political and cultural transformations, parenting practices evolved to align with the changing landscape.

City-State Dynamics

Credit: Brewminate

Different city-states within Ancient Greece had varying societal structures. For instance, Spartan society was deeply militaristic, which influenced a stricter and more physically disciplined upbringing.

In contrast, Athens, with its emphasis on democracy and philosophy, encouraged a more holistic approach that balanced intellectual, ethical, and physical development.

Civic Virtue

Greek city-state Athens valued the development of responsible citizens. This focus on civic virtue encouraged parents to instill moral values, respect for laws, and a sense of responsibility in their children.

As Aristotle mentioned,

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

This idea of thoughtful discernment was integral to producing virtuous citizens.

Other Influential Elements

Shifts in Gender Roles

As political and cultural changes occurred in ancient Greece, there were shifts in gender roles within the family.

In ancient Athenian society, men were typically considered the breadwinners and held more prominent roles in public life, including politics, the military, and intellectual pursuits. Women, on the other hand, were mainly responsible for managing the household and raising children.

Credit: Pu Eble Rino

However, over time, Athenian women gained slightly more social visibility and opportunities, during the classical period, although their primary roles as homemakers and mothers remained unchanged.

This evolution could have led to subtle adjustments in parenting dynamics and shared responsibilities within the family.

Influence of Literature and Drama

Greek literature and drama, including epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey, portrayed various aspects of family life and parenting.

Credit: Simon & Schuster

Changes in Education

The education system in ancient Greece also evolved. Initially, education was often provided by private tutors, focusing on practical skills and moral virtues.

But around 387 BCE things took a turn when Plato established the first known formal education institution in ancient Greece in the city-state of Athens. This institution was known as The Academy.

It was not only a center of philosophical learning but also included subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, and political theory.

Interactions with Other Cultures

Greece’s interactions with other civilizations, such as Egypt and Persia, exposed them to different parenting practices and cultural influences. These interactions might have contributed to a cross-pollination of parenting styles.

Credit: iStock

Final Words

Philosophical Thought Met Civic Responsibility

As we explore Ancient Greek parenting, we uncover a blend of philosophical wisdom and civic virtue that shaped youth upbringing. From Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle’s holistic approach to Plato’s Academy’s structured education, these foundations paved the way for enlightened child-rearing.

Shifts in gender roles, epic literature’s impact, and cultural exchanges added complexity. Ancient Greek parenting aimed beyond nurturing to shape responsible citizens armed with intellect and ethics.

What are your thoughts on this intriguing shift towards the authoritative parenting style in ancient Greece?

Let me know in the comments. Take care!



Rabitta Shahbaz

I'm Rabitta Shahbaz, also known as History Mystery on YouTube. Let’s dive into the evolution of parenting and what that reveals about us as a society.