Embarrassing Childhood Photos for Future Generations and Things to Consider in the Process

racha ghamlouch
2 min readJun 10, 2018


Audible’s Exclusive “The Dark Web”

I recently listened to Audible’s Exclusive “The Dark Web” series which highlights what is the dark web (Tor project) the role of crypto-currency in fueling the space (correlation not causation) and the types of activities that have been facilitated through this network. Interesting primer, jaw dropping realities.

One particular episode talked about pedophiles use of the (dark) web, which according to the institutes and law enforcement departments interviewed is a really a whole world wide web epidemic. Pedophiles use average day-to-day photos of children from facebook and public social websites to trade with their pedo-peers. They use “cute” and “cuddly” photos that you’re new-parent friends are bombarding you with day in and day out of every action for lewd fantasies and sharing. Frankly, it’s neauseating.

The dark web does has it’s share of such lewd behavior, however, there’s been more than 60,000 websites on the regular web taken down due to child abuse / explicit content in comparison to just 78 on the dark web! Remember that the price of free services is your privacy and in some unfortunate cases the safety of your loved ones.

Should you post your child photos online? They are adorable angels, by all means share the love. However take your privacy and your child’s future privacy seriously. While social media starts becoming a scrap book of childhood memories, remember that your children have the right to decide what’s to be shared about them and what’s not.

As the cyber world intertwines with our physical being, it’s important that we start treating our online behavior responsibly.

This is not a topic I usually post about and I was quite disturbed by the topic, that I didn’t really want to dwell into it. But I felt a moral liability to bring these stats to attention to whomever reads this. Luckily many of my friends are quite secure about what they post online, but not all. This is not meant to turn on paranoia sensors for all, but taking precaution hurts no-one.

This post first appeared on racha.space on March 21, 2018



racha ghamlouch

Geek with vengeance! Business and Innovation Adviser. Ex-VP at BECO Capital. Ex-ArabNet ❄️ https://racha.space/ & digitaldigest.me