‘Interactive AI’ the upskilled iteration of Generative AI: A deeper cognitive experience

Rachad Najjar, Ph.D
3 min readJan 1, 2024


What I call “Interactive AI” is the upskilled iteration of Generative AI. The interactive AI iteration has reasoning capabilities and a multimodal AI model. I have formulated a conviction that GenAI should be considered as a cultural transformation rather than a digital transformation. It should be perceived as competency rather than a technology. A natural extension of human capabilities, amplifying and extending them. Specialists and domain experts have an active role, and they are at the forefront of identifying touchpoints in their work streams, integrating AI capabilities into these interactive points for a deeper cognitive experience.

Interactive AI

Interactive AI, with reasoning capabilities and a multimodal model, opens a wide range of possibilities across various domains. I’m sharing some potential use cases that cover various industries:

1. Enhanced Customer Interaction:

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by Interactive AI can provide more natural and meaningful conversations with users. Customer support systems can understand user queries in a more nuanced way and provide detailed, context-aware responses.

2. Personalized Learning:

Educational platforms can leverage Interactive AI to create personalized learning experiences for students, adapting to their individual needs, learning styles, and progress. Learning platforms can inquire the students about their level of understanding and/ or perform a relative evaluation.

3. Healthcare Assistance:

Interactive AI can assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating patients by analyzing multimodal data, including images, text, and patient history. Virtual health assistants can provide personalized health advice and reminders.

4. Collaborative Decision-Making:

Business professionals can use Interactive AI to analyze complex datasets and provide insights, aiding in decision-making processes. Community-based collaboration platforms can integrate Interactive AI to facilitate more effective communication and problem-solving.

5. Content Creation and Curation:

Media and entertainment industries can benefit from Interactive AI in creating more immersive and personalized content experiences. AI can help curate content based on user preferences and behavior.

6. Human-Machine Collaboration in Design:

Architects, designers, and engineers can collaborate with Interactive AI tools to enhance creativity and problem-solving in their projects. AI can generate design suggestions based on user inputs and constraints. Later, the design can be further enhanced through dialogues and conversations among the respective participants.

7. Financial Advisory:

Interactive AI can provide personalized financial advice by understanding individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. It can assist in portfolio management and investment decision-making. The financial advisory may provide the best recommendation following a dialogue with the user. The decision-making should be transparent, and the user should be held accountable for the final decision.

8. Language Translation and Understanding:

Interactive AI models can improve language translation services by understanding context and idiomatic expressions. Language understanding capabilities can be applied to various fields, such as legal documents or technical manuals. Accents and local dialects can be further learned by AI through dialogues and continuous conversations.

9. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences:

Interactive AI can enhance VR and AR experiences by providing more realistic and responsive virtual environments. It can adapt to user actions, making virtual interactions feel more natural. The AR/ VR relying on computer vision can provide real-time assistance and guidance following changes in the environments.

10. Innovative Gaming Experiences:

The gaming industry can benefit from Interactive AI in creating more dynamic and adaptive game environments. NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) can exhibit more realistic and context-aware behavior. The game’s main story line can change and/ or evolve based on the gamer’s interactions and choices during the gameplay.

These use cases illustrate the potential of Interactive AI in transforming various industries and enhancing human-machine interactions. The collaboration between domain experts and AI systems is crucial in identifying and implementing these applications effectively into the work stream’s touchpoints.

I would like to know your thoughts on what use cases can be unlocked with interactive AI.

