Benefits of Squats for Men & Women: Why You Should Squat?

Rachael Mathews
2 min readJan 23, 2017


Firstly: What Is A Squat? Squats are one of the best compound exercise movements out there. Most fitness trainers recommend this as the first thing that you should learn to do much before anything else. The combination of dead lifts and squats form one of the best compound exercise combination that you can carry out in your gym. And they not just build targeted muscles, but are responsible for overall muscle growth.

How to Do A Proper Squat?

When it comes to training your body for strength, squats are an integral part of your exercise routine. Even if you are looking to lose some weight, squats are one of the best exercises that you can turn to. Moreover, it has natural movements that mimic a lot of everyday functional movements. Let’s now see how you can execute a basic squat.

  • Breathe in and push your butt back
  • Keep your back straight, neutral spine and chest and shoulders up
  • As you squat downwards, keep your knees in line with your feet
  • Keep going down until your hip is lower than your knee

Squats are an exercise movement that you can do right at home. You don’t need special equipment apart from weights, if you are doing weighted squats, shoes, and a place where you can do them. You can do this right at your home gym or outside if you have no room.

Squats are effective even without weights, but you need to remember that your body gets used to exercises really quickly, and so you might need to up the weights on your workout to give you more of a challenge.

To learn more about SQUAT check the link below

Thanks for reading…..

