When Rest Feels Like a Burden

4 min readFeb 13, 2024


As I write this, I’m mentally planning a vacation.

Where to? I do not know yet.

Where the money will come from? I don’t know that either. But if there’s one thing I’m sure of, I will guard my peace of mind jealously.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-wooden-lounge-chair-on-brown-boardwalk-near-body-of-water-during-daytime-161029/

I wasn’t always like this. I had the perfect excuse not to go on breaks. If I wasn’t knee-deep in back-breaking tasks, I had marketing courses to finish, networking events to attend, etc. It felt like I was in a rat race. A race against the goals I had set for myself.

But isn’t that what they tell us to do? Don’t waste your 20s, build your career while you can and all those aspire to perspire that leaves you drenched in perspiration.

The Cultural Influence

Our perception of rest is heavily influenced by cultural norms and societal expectations. In many cultures, working long hours without breaks is glorified and seen as a sign of dedication and success. We are conditioned to believe that constant productivity is the key to achievement, and any deviation from this path is viewed negatively.

I remember when my sister came for a visit and there I was, seated behind the screen working arduously. Switching from one meeting to the other. She watched me in silence for a while before asking, “Do you ever stop to breathe?”

Her question struck a chord. It wasn’t just about the physical act of pausing for breath; it was about the deeper implication of allowing oneself to rest. It made me wonder, how many of us are caught in this relentless cycle of work, driven by a culture that wears overwork as a badge of honor?

The Fear of Falling Behind

Another reason why rest can feel burdensome is the fear of falling behind. We live in a hyper-connected world where information and opportunities are constantly flowing. There is a constant pressure to stay updated, respond to messages promptly, and seize every opportunity that comes our way. This fear of missing out or lagging behind can make us reluctant to take breaks, as we fear losing our competitive edge.

The Guilt Factor

You know this all too well, don’t you? The gnawing guilt that creeps in the moment you consider taking a break. It’s like a shadow, following you even in your moments of supposed tranquility. You sit down, trying to relax, but your mind races with a never-ending to-do list. How can you possibly rest when there’s so much left undone?

But here’s the thing — this guilt is a product of a skewed mindset. A mindset that equates your worth with your productivity. You’re told that time is money, that every idle moment is a lost opportunity. So you push yourself, often beyond your limits, only to find out that the finish line keeps moving further away.

Redefining Rest

It’s time to redefine what rest means to you. Rest isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Think of it as maintenance for your well-being. When a machine is overworked, it overheats and breaks down. Aren’t you, in all your complexity, more than a machine?

Start by setting boundaries. It’s okay to say no to additional responsibilities when you’re stretched thin. It’s more than okay to allocate time for self-care. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or simply doing nothing, what matters is that you give yourself permission to pause.

Embracing Quality over Quantity

Focus on the quality of your rest. It’s not about the amount of time you take off, but how you spend it. You could be on a two-week vacation and still feel drained if you’re constantly checking work emails. True rest means disconnecting and being present in your downtime.

This is one of the blessings I'm experiencing at my current job. We have what is called "Mental Health Day" where everyone is mandated to take off a day from work, no matter how pressing the demands are.

The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool in your journey towards better rest. It’s about being fully present in the moment, acknowledging your thoughts and feelings without judgment. When you’re mindful, you’re not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. You’re here, in the now, fully experiencing your rest.

The Journey Ahead

As you stand at the crossroads of change, it’s important to recognize that altering deeply ingrained habits and mindsets isn’t an overnight task. It’s a journey. There will be days when you’ll slip back into old patterns, feeling the weight of guilt and the pressure to constantly produce. But remember, each step you take towards embracing rest is a victory in itself.

So, go ahead. Plan that vacation without guilt. Embrace those quiet moments. Let rest be a rejuvenating journey, not a burden. Because when you look back, it’s the moments of calm and not the frenzy of constant doing, that will define the richness of your life.




Rachie Oh here! Giving you a peek into my career trajectory, musings and things I learn along the way. To procrastinate is human, to publish is divine.