Should I Be Looking For A New Relationship?

I love being single…but am I just kidding myself?

Rachael Hughes
5 min readAug 15, 2019
Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Since splitting up with my husband two-and-a-half years ago, I’ve learned to love being on my own. I relish my own space (albeit shared by my two young children) and enjoy having my whole delicious bed to stretch out in (without anyone snoring next to me or hogging the duvet — unless it’s my three-year-old son). It’s great to be able to come home to silence (as an introvert, constant noise — whether it’s music, TV or conversation — is stressful to me) and to choose what I want to watch in the evenings.

Being on my own — for the first time in nearly a decade — was a bit of a revelation to me. I went through a period of self-discovery and self-development. I really got to know myself again — reevaluated what I wanted out of life and made some big decisions about my career (i.e. I decided to jack it in). I read loads. I started writing again. It was a creative and exciting time in my life. For the first time in ages, I really thought about what I wanted in life.

Whenever anyone asked me if I wanted to find someone new, I’d always insist that I had no interest. Which was true. Besides the fact that I’m just too busy to fit in a new relationship, I’m not sure I ever want to share my life — or space — with anyone ever again. I like the feeling…



Rachael Hughes

I write stories, poems, and general musings. Avid reader and novelist-in-training; teacher & private tutor; mother-of-two; and a glutton for inspiration.