Applications and Benefits: The Power of Data Governance in Edge-based AI with Blockchain

Rachana JG
3 min readMay 18, 2023



The convergence of edge-based AI with blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our daily lives. From healthcare to supply chain management and smart cities, data governance plays a vital role in ensuring user-friendly applications and unlocking numerous benefits. In this article, we will explore how data governance positively impacts everyday scenarios in edge-based AI with blockchain, using relatable examples, and showcase real-world success stories that highlight the transformative power of this technology convergence.

Enhancing Everyday Scenarios with Data Governance:

Data governance in edge-based AI with blockchain brings tangible benefits to various domains:

1. Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, data governance ensures the secure sharing of patient information among different stakeholders while maintaining privacy. For instance, by implementing data governance protocols, healthcare providers can securely exchange patient records across different edge devices, enabling faster diagnoses and personalized treatment plans, ultimately improving patient care outcomes.

2. Supply Chain Management: Data governance in edge-based AI and blockchain strengthens supply chain management by enhancing traceability, transparency, and trust. For example, by leveraging blockchain’s immutable ledger and data governance practices, supply chain stakeholders can track the journey of goods from their origin to the end consumer. This enables real-time monitoring, reduces fraud, improves inventory management, and ensures product authenticity.

3. Smart Cities: Data governance empowers smart city initiatives by enabling efficient data collection, analysis, and utilization. By implementing data governance frameworks, cities can leverage AI and blockchain technologies to optimize transportation systems, manage energy consumption, and enhance public safety. For instance, data governance ensures privacy-preserving data sharing for traffic monitoring, enabling better traffic flow management and reducing congestion.

Real-World Success Stories:

Several real-world success stories demonstrate the transformative power of data governance in edge-based AI with blockchain:

1. Healthcare: In Estonia, the use of blockchain technology combined with data governance has revolutionized healthcare data management. The country’s eHealth system securely stores patient records on a blockchain, allowing authorized healthcare providers access to accurate and up-to-date medical information, leading to improved care coordination and patient outcomes.

2. Supply Chain Management: Walmart, a global retail giant, has adopted blockchain technology and data governance practices to enhance supply chain transparency. Through their Food Trust initiative, they enable end-to-end traceability of food products, ensuring the authenticity and safety of the items sold. This initiative has helped identify and address food contamination issues promptly, ensuring consumer confidence.

3. Smart Cities: Barcelona, Spain, has embraced data governance and the convergence of AI and blockchain in its smart city initiatives. By integrating various data sources, including IoT sensors and citizen feedback, Barcelona has improved transportation planning, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced public safety. This data-driven approach has transformed the city into a more sustainable, livable, and efficient urban environment.


Data governance plays a crucial role in unlocking user-friendly applications and reaping the benefits of edge-based AI with blockchain. In domains such as healthcare, supply chain management, and smart cities, data governance ensures secure data sharing, enhances transparency, and facilitates informed decision-making. Real-world success stories demonstrate the transformative impact of data governance, highlighting improved healthcare outcomes, supply chain traceability, and smart city advancements. By embracing data governance practices, organizations and communities can harness the full potential of edge-based AI with blockchain, creating a more connected, efficient, and user-friendly world.

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