Rachel Alonso
2 min readOct 4, 2022


Do schools realize how harmful an overload of homework could be for students? I cannot express enough how inconsideration from teachers on an exaggeration of work can harm a student’s life and mental health. How it negatively affects a student’s life an slows down the learning progress

Many times a teacher tends to forget that students not only have their class, but are also responsible for many other assignments on different subjects. Schools do not consider how not everyone has the same lifestyle. In my lifetime I have met so many depressed and struggling students who have lost their sense of happiness and motivation for school.

A grand majority of students to not have an easy and simple life, they just don’t have the time to spare for and overload of work. Students who must work more than 9-hour shifts, who must take long drives, who get home later than 10 PM to then wake up at 6 AM for school, now tell me do you really think they have time to do it all? It’s also not like they have an option to just quit their jobs… many of these students are self-maintained and must work very hard for their own good. Now tell me how is it a healthy learning environment when these students are constantly stressed and depressed with overwork from school and work and have no time for themselves? This could seriously lead to self-harm and suicide.

Best way to reduce this issue is instead of assigning ridiculous amount of work that will not benefit anyone in any way , is to assign in class work , which if you think about will be less stressful and students will get to learn better because the time that they spend in class is only for learning and like that they are able to use their out of school time to work.

