Taking the plunge into the world of Community Tech

“It is always good to learn something new”, they say.

It is true and it can be fun. I recently took up swimming lessons, despite being in my late 40s as I wanted to learn front crawl so I could confidently swim further in our local river before I froze in the ever cooling waters.

Supported by a superb instructor, and fellow learners, I am making good progress and the leaps I have made in 8 weeks, from that first week where I drank half of the practice pool to being able to go a good distance outside is to me quite remarkable.

So when I was invited to lead on a new project for work, I thought, this will be fun and interesting.

We were excited to have been awarded a grant by Power to Change for their Discovery Fund project. The aim- to explore some of the challenges we have with the view that they might be solved with some community tech. The big focus here is the exploring and, as the name suggests, the discovery.

Luckily, like with the swimming, we are being supported along the way by an excellent team and have peers in other organisations working on their journeys, to add to that support and share struggles and triumphs with.

