Ancient Chinese Kites | Chinese Kite Festival | Fēngzhēng

Rachel Jiang
4 min readApr 8, 2019


Kite, in Chinese, is Fēngzhēng (风筝). Chinese kites are traditional Chinese items which people can fly for entertainment. It is a popular toy for both children and adults. Most Chinese people have the experience of flying kites in the field during their childhood. In modern times, for those who live in big cities, it is impossible to find a wild field to fly kites. However, they can fly kites at a public park. Especially in springtime, most people will spend their weekends ongoing for an outing. They will have a picnic in the suburbs, and it is also a good chance to fly kites, for enjoying the good time in spring. On Chinese kites, there are many things to talk about.

Who Invented the Kite?

The history of Chinese kites is a long story. When Chinese kites are mentioned, people probably would wonder who invented the kite, when and where the kite was invented. According to record, the first kite was invented by Mo Tze (墨子 [mò zǐ]), an ideologist in the State of Song during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). He spent three years on making a bird-shaped gadget with wood, but his kite could only fly for one day. Then Lǔ Bān (鲁班), an excellent artisan in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC), ameliorated Mo Tze’ product. He utilized bamboo to make the kite. Such kate could keep floating in the sky for three days. That’s the embryonic form of modern kites.

The Usage of Kites

The ancient Chinese kites were not simply toys like modern kites. At first, kites are used in military war. The kite was regarded as a good tool to convey information, detect the situation, even carry soldiers. During a war, people also used kites to carry explosives and cause great damages toward enemies easily, but they had to prejudge the blow of the wind and well control the kites. Then in the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), kites were not mainly used as weapons, but toys for entertainment. At that prosperous period, paper making got great development, people produced kites with paper and bamboo strips to lessen the weight. It was more convenient to carry. Since then, flying kites became a popular way of entertaining oneself, friends and kids. Besides, there is a folk custom about flying kites. People can place their emotions of missing the deceased on the kite, then they fly the kite on the Tomb-Sweeping Day and the kite can bring their wishes to those people they miss in heaven. It is a way of mourning the dead.

Chinese Kite Culture

After flying kites become a way of having fun, the shape of kites is no longer restricted to birds anymore. People make kites in various images and shape the appearances of kites in whatever model they want. You can see Chinese zodiac animals kites flying in the sky, or facial images of Chinese operas, emoji, even images of Chinese Buddha or historical people. These kites images usually are something positive, so you also can make a kite, with several lucky Chinese words. Kite is like a lucky item which carries people’s longings and hopes. If you beg for something joyous, you decorate your kites with numerous flowers, magpies or a red Chinese character “囍 [xǐ]” which means double happiness. If you want longevity, a crane kite or a peach kite is a good choice, for the animal and fruit are symbols of immortality. If you like something lucky, you can make a dragon kite or phoenix kite. If you fly kites just for fun, you can make kites with funny images and shapes. Although the kite is invented thousands of years ago, it is still popular and innovative in modern time. It is one of the elements of Chinese culture.

Weifang Kite Festival in China

As a component of Chinese culture, there is a special festival for the celebration of Chinese kites — Weifang Kite Festival, held in Weifang, Shandong Province which is famous for its kite production. It is held on the third Saturday of April, once a year. For celebrating such a grand gathering, not only Chinese, people from more than 30 countries and regions go to Weifang. They participate in the festival with high enthusiasm. Flying kites is the main show on that day. Some professional people or groups will fly their self-made kites, which usually are huge kites with special images. The uniqueness of their kites always attracts travelers. People admire their kites and enjoy such fabulous kites show. Travelers can buy kites at Weifang easily during the Kite Festival and experience the fun of flying kites. If you like, you can learn how to make a kite there. Make your own kite by hand and fly it. That will be a memorable experience. Besides, the Weifang Kite Festival is also a great opportunity for inter-cultural communication and commercial trade. The kite connects cultures together and promotes economic exchanges. Kites in modern time are endowed with this new role and mission.

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