How to Boost Amped Wireless Extender Performance?

Rachel Benson
3 min readJun 14, 2022


Is your Amped wireless range extender not performing well? Are you experiencing WiFi dead zones even after installing Amped range extender? Well, that doesn’t seem right. Perhaps, something might be messing up with the overall performance of your range extender. Relax! We have just the thing you are looking for.

This article is going to take you through some of the most effective troubleshooting tips to boost your Amped wireless range extender’s performance. Just make sure that Amped wireless setup process was seamless. Let’s roll further.

Troubleshooting Tips to Boost Amped Extender Performance

Relocate the Device

In many cases, poor Amped range extender placement is a major culprit in its poor performance. So, grab your extender and choose the best location for its placement. The chosen place should be well-ventilated.

Moreover, the distance between range extender and the host router must be adequate. So, you should better check router’s range before placing the Amped extender. Never place it under the table, inside a wall cabinet, or behind a television.

Update the Range Extender Firmware

Outdated firmware further plays a crucial role in hampering the performance of your Amped WiFi extender. Hence, without wasting any time, you should check for an update. For that, you must visit web address on a web browser.

You have two methods for firmware update. In the first method, you can download the latest firmware and upload it manually. Whereas, you can choose the second method to automatically download the firmware compatible with your device.

Check Connection with the Router

Even though wireless connections are hassle-free, however, these might not offer the best internet speed. You need to give special care while connecting your WiFi range extender to the host router. It means you should change the connection type of your extender to the router.

For the best results, you should use the Ethernet cable. The cable used should be in the best condition and finger-tightbetween the devices. Also, it should not be worn out.

Minimal WiFi Interference

WiFi signals won’t do any good when there are WiFi interferences. WiFi interferences can be caused by metal objects, reflexive surfaces, heavy electrical gadgets, water sources like fish tanks, cordless phones, baby monitors, thick cemented walls, etc.

You should ensure that the Amped range extender is placed away from all such devices and objects. Moreover, there should not be any window where you place your extender. We know you can’t completely remove everything. So, minimize these interferences to have the best WiFi network.

Switch WiFi Channels

These days, dual-band WiFi channel Amped extenders are manufactured. It means your device has 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies. However, the range extender is set on 2.4 GHz by default. The same frequency is being used by various other devices in your house.

To avoid the clash, you can simply change WiFi bands. Rather than using 2.4 GHz, you can shift to 5 GHz. It ensures your device offers the best WiFi signals without getting interrupted by other devices. It will boost the range and connectivity of your extender.

Change WiFi Password

Are there any extra devices connected to your WiFi network? If yes, you must remove them. If that seems like a challenging task, you can change your WiFi password. That will automatically remove devices connected to your WiFi network.

After change the WiFi password, you need to manually connect each device. When you do that, make sure you don’t connect everything to your extender. Rather, connect the devices that you use most often. Moreover, don’t share your WiFi password with anyone else.

In a Nutshell

Minute things can easily impact the performance of your WiFi range extender. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with your Amped WiFi range extender connections and placement. If the issue still persists, you can do Amped wireless extender reset. That is going to erase all the settings modified on your end.

The device will be reset to the factory settings. In this case, you need to perform extender setup again. Make sure you keep the points given above in check while reinstalling your device. Always be careful while handling or placing your device as it is delicate piece of technology. Let us know what helped you with boosting the performance of your extender in the comment section.



Rachel Benson

Facing Amped Wireless Extender Login Problem? Need Help? Get complete knowledge on how to setup Amped wireless extender, get in touch with our well-experts.