What We Do Now

Rachel B. Tiven
Lambda Legal
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

We’ve just entered a new era.

Now that Donald Trump is officially our president, a lot is uncertain and I understand if you’re scared about the future. But this much you should know: Lambda Legal has your back. We are your lawyers and we will fight for you and your rights, no matter what may come.

We will take the Trump Administration to court to block any actions against LGBT people and everyone with HIV. If Congress passes laws that threaten our community, we will sue to stop them.

To support this work, I’m setting a goal for this community: $1 million in the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. Chip in $5 now to make sure our team of expert lawyers can fight every battle to the finish. Our rights are in the balance.

In President Trump’s Inaugural Address today, he presented his vision for the future of our country.

But actions speak louder than words.

The track record of his cabinet appointees and Vice President Pence tell a scary story about this new administration’s attitude toward the LGBT community and everyone living with HIV.

The good news is that our legal team has done this before.

We have encountered countless threats to our rights and, in the face of those threats, we’ve fought and sued and won. We have inched our way closer to equality and, in that process, our community has earned the support of the majority of Americans.

That work will not stop — but I do expect it to get harder. Your participation is more important than ever.

Lambda Legal is your resource for resistance in the fight to protect our community’s rights.

Help us hit our goal of $1 million in the first 100 days. Contribute $5 now to make sure our team of expert lawyers can fight every battle to the finish.

We are your lawyers, and we’ll never stop fighting for you.



Rachel B. Tiven
Lambda Legal

CEO of Lambda Legal, the country’s oldest & largest legal organization for LGBT & HIV+ people.