IoC: The Internet of Cookies

Rachel Fenner
3 min readMar 2, 2017


I’m not a developer. However, I’ve got a thing for cookies — fresh cookies, to be exact. I also have a thing for learning, technology, and humor. These interests have led me to an interesting project: The Cookie Button.

There’s this coffee shop in my neighborhood called 1215 Wine Bar & Coffee Lab. Everything about this establishment is perfect, from the friendly baristas to the beautiful latte art. The best thing about 1215? The cookies.

They’re large enough to count as a full breakfast and have this touch of salt that can change your life. Now, 1215 doesn’t make the cookies in-house. They’re the creation of the local Brown Bear Bakery, and they’re delivered to 1215 at various times.

Ok, cool? So this coffee shop has great cookies? What’s the big deal?

So here’s my ONLY issue with the cookies at 1215. They aren’t delivered at the same time every day, and some days they aren’t delivered at all. So, here I am stopping by on my walk to work, already having a bad morning, knowing that this cookie will change the course of my day. I walk in and, to my horror, see that the cookie jar is empty. “The cookies may not be here until around 11am today,” says the barista. Sadness fills my soul, realizing I can’t instantly gratify my cookie craving.

There must be a way to stop this from ever happening again.

I present to you, The Cookie Button. Know when fresh cookies have been delivered, the moment they’ve been delivered.

Here’s how this works. A button is placed behind the counter at 1215. As soon as cookies are delivered, ready for eating, a barista simply taps the button. This triggers a text message to me, the establishment’s #1 cookie customer. Twenty minutes later, a Tweet is sent out to a public Twitter account, notifying the community that ‘The cookies have arrived!’

I know I’m being a little selfish here, giving myself a twenty minute running start, but hey, aren’t we all a little selfish?

The Cookie Button does not exist, yet. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be figuring out how the hell I’ll get this to work. I have limited development knowledge. Thanks to Girl Develop It Cincinnati, I know some Python and Django. I have some HTML/CSS experience. That’s about it. Today I created GitHub and Stack Overflow accounts, so I’m feeling very developer-ish.

I’m going to need some help, from the internet and from friends. Thankfully, the Cincinnati community is smart, friendly, and collectively obsessed with 1215 Wine Bar & Coffee Lab.

I might share step-by-step how I figure this project out, or I might not post again until the button is created. Who knows. I hope if you’re reading this, you’re excited for The Cookie Button and what it could become.

Until next time.

PS. 1215 — I love you. Let me do this, please?

