5 things we can learn from Sleep-Away Camp to make work and life better.

(no, you’re not going to Sleep Away camp).

Rachel Kenyon
5 min readJul 31, 2017

So much has changed in the last few decades. How we work, how we communicate, how we learn. Science, technology, discovery and our general need to feel progress has changed almost every aspect of our lives.

There is one place where very little has changed. Sleep-Away Camp.

Sleep-away camp is everything happy. It’s where kids go to let loose, explore, learn, connect and grow. Camp is where a person can really be themselves, no walls up, no faking it, no need to be something you are not.

Wow, what a concept.

If only the rest of our lives were a place where we could let loose, explore, learn, connect and grow.

If only we could be ourselves at work with no walls up and no faking it and no trying to be something we’re not.

Wait, we can’t? Why not?

I say YES WE CAN. Bring the happy of sleep-away camp into your very grown-up life. Here are some of sleep-away camp’s best offerings:

  1. New People. Each day you either meet new people or you don’t, but chances are that on at least some days, you meet new people. The question here is, what do you do with them? At sleep-away camp, new people become your bunk mates so getting to know them comes naturally. In grown-up life, it takes more effort. So the next time you meet someone, do the very camp-y thing of asking them questions about themselves. Meeting new people is an opportunity for growth. The more people you know, the more types of people you know, the more you understand this great big community of ours. If we all got to know more people, the world would be a better place.
  2. Adventure! Sleep-away camp is sort of an adventure in and of itself. But nestled in those days and nights are mini-adventures. Some are as simple as gathering eggs from the chicken coop and some are more complex like an all-night camp-out in a tent, cooking over an open fire. The adventures are simultaneously intimidating and exciting. We love this for our kids because it helps them realize how capable they are of approaching a new situation. They learn to navigate new territory, ask for help, and fail a few times before they get it right. Ah to bring some adventure to our every day grown-up lives. Venture out of your routine sometimes and try something new. Go small with a new cultural cuisine. Go big with archery lessons. I say adventure is the spice of life. Spice it up a little and you’ll find an extra hop-skip in your steps as you walk through the routine parts of your day.
  3. Messy Night. This one is hard to explain if you’ve never been to sleep-away camp. Messy night is full of body paint, silly string, baby powder, muddy slip-n-slides, and general mayhem. Grown-ups desperately need a little mayhem every now and then. Maybe don’t cover your body with brightly colored goop, but how about finger painting? Or side-walk chalk? Or maybe your “messy” comes in the form of an in-house dance party in your PJs. Messy night is about letting lose, freeing your spirit and laughing really hard. I mean, what’s life without the occasional all-out belly laugh?
  4. Screen Free. Ok, ok, I’m not going to harp on this one. But really, are we forgetting how to have fun without electronic devices 😏? I think it’s so funny that grown-ups often criticize kids because they can’t get their attention away from their phone or computer or gaming screen, but think about how much time you spend with a screen. We make this excuse that we are grown-ups and the screen is actually how we relax and to choose spend our free time, but maybe, just maybe, we need to look up and look around more. Going everywhere with a screen is like looking at life through tunnel vision. You just can’t see all it has to offer. Set a trend in your tribe — plan some screen free time with family or friends. Oh, and while you’re at it, meet a new person!
  5. Letter Writing. Not emailing, not texting, but good old-fashioned letter writing. I’m proud to say that my kids actually know how to address an envelope. I will never ever ever throw away the letters I have gotten from camp. And my kids totally understand how special it feels to RECEIVE a letter — hand written — in the mail — silly squiggles, smudges and all. It’s an extra special feeling getting a letter in the mail. It’s also super exhilarating when you write someone a letter, fold and seal the flap, stick “forever” on the corner and slip it into the big blue container down the street to be whisked away. You sorta forget about it until a week or two or 30 later when you get one back!

So let me summarize how you can camp-up your life:

At work: Engage in conversations when new people cross your path. Plan a weekly or monthly adventure lunch with your co-workers. Don’t be afraid to laugh and have fun — most of all be able to laugh at yourself when you mess up. Take a break from your screen. Walk away from your desk to get some air, see what’s happening around you, lend a hand where needed. Take time every day to write a note of thanks. Show your gratitude to customers, vendors, co-workers.

At home: Take walks and greet your neighbors. Try to get to know them by first name. Exercise your adventure muscle a little. Give something new a go, like baking or yoga. Bust out those 80’s tunes and show your kids how it’s really done. Followed by super messy banana splits of course. Close your day out by writing a note to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, or someone you talk to every day. Address it, post it, and have it ready so when you take your walk you can drop it in the mailbox!

Have fun! Enjoy life! Spread Love!

I hope you will❤ my article so more people will find it!I am Rachel Tawil Kenyon. Click on my profile for articles about living a balanced existence at work and at home.

