Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

Rachel Kenyon
2 min readJul 13, 2019


I published my first Medium article on May 30, 2017.

I was smack in the middle of a [crisis/mid-life/soul-search]. I fell in love with Medium writing and reading. It was the first place I publicly shared anything I wrote. Until that day, everything was private, in a journal or on my computer.

26 months later, well… I’ve changed my career landscape, joined the ranks of ‘author’, joined SCBWI, been signed with a literary agent, and sold my first picture book manuscript. The anxiety attacks I suffered almost daily are now a rare occurrence that I can identify and manage. I feel like I’m the best me ever.

Somewhere along the line, I published my last medium article. September 5, 2018.

Something this morning prompted me to take a look back.

I started browsing my articles, then browsing other posts. For a minute I badgered myself — why did you stop doing this? But the thing is, I stopped because I was doing something else really important. And clearly that something was worth it, because, I mean, holy cow! I’m an author with a book being published!!

But also I realized that I miss this forum.

So this is just me, saying to the Medium community, hi.

Can I still be a part of this? Is it okay if it’s not every day, or even every week? Can it not be about how many claps or followers? Can it just be about keeping this friendship alive and healthy?

And it’s also me saying, thank you.

Reading over my old stuff, I can see how much I needed to process and share and feel heard. I hope some of what I published here helped bring understanding or laughter or some form of thoughtfulness to other people. But I am certain that it provided all of that to me. Thank you so much Medium friends.

Keep in touch.

I’m remembering the tags and wondering what I’ll tag this article with….?

