Rachel Nelson
1 min readDec 14, 2019


I think you’re correct. Science is a global thing because we walk into this existence putting pieces together and wanting to understand and grow our limits to logic. I think apart of discovery is experiencing things that are beyond our logic also and as time goes among finding the science so to speak for it. Taking the mind body dualism so to speak and making it all one by allowing ourselves to encounter each other, to explore existence, have our minds rattled by each other and by what May beyond the scope of understanding, and then leaning in for comprehension slowly over time and writing about it (I’m referencing a concept from a Noam Chomsky lecture here where he states that because Descartes didn’t lay out a solid definition of what counts as physical that what seems mystical once we understand how it interacts with us becomes the physical — so no dualism exists).

I think for sure the golden rule would always emerge as we seek self-preservation as a large cluster of peoples in communities and learning how to expand and accept others into our initial cluster..not just for survival but by the psychological realization that not everything or everyone is as it seems to us. With that said, I think psychology would emerge with the hard sciences as well.

:) thanks for writing.



Rachel Nelson

Philosophy of Religion PhD student. Dances to the beat of existentialism & psychotherapy to define under-defined religious thought. BJJ brown belt & AF Veteran.