6 min readNov 11, 2023



Murphy's law basically tells you that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. If you've thought of all the outcomes, another option that you didn't anticipate will pop up regardless of how big of an overthinker you are. As an overthinker myself, I can tell you for a fact that this is true.

When I make plans, I have backups for my backups, because you never can tell what plan decides to fail you at the last minute. Sometimes, I end up going with option C, and it ends up working out eventually. That is the thing about life- you can't see all the options, you can't see all the possibilities. You say:

"The worst that can happen is...," and then life proceeds to shock you. I've learned never to taunt the universe with those words. It's a challenge that seems to always win.

Life to its buddies: "Let's think of things that are worse than that and attack her with it."

It probably isn't healthy going into life braced for impact. But I am good at enduring the blows, and I think it might be my superpower. An online vendor gives me the wrong order, I make the most out of it. The truth is, you can make the most out of every situation.

I think Murphy's law works hand in hand with "the fuckening."

Now, let’s go back to May, this year. Like I’ve shared before in another article, It was the first birthday I’d allowed myself to feel excited for in a while because of my friends. Let’s use it as a case study:

-I had made arrangements for snacks in the morning for those who were coming for our little picnic. I got there, and the woman had completely forgotten I'd requested for snacks even after reminding her on WhatsApp. I had to wait a while. Thankfully, she was already making her snacks for the day. My sister and I stood there, waiting till she was done. Crisis averted!

-When we got home, my aunt had decided to take us to school. There was massive traffic on the way. I missed the class I was supposed to have that morning, and some people kept trying to point out that something was leaking from the car, which actually turned out to be false. Thankfully!

-The group was a bit disorganized. Olayinka, a friend of mine had a couple incidents that I can not recall that happened that morning, so it was a bit rough for her and her energy.

-We were finally able to get everyone together, but couldn't find a spot good enough. One spot was too sunny, and the other had lots of ants. We went and spread our "blankets" where the ants were. You might think it was not a wise decision, but unilag sun will fry your brain and remove the small sense that you're trying to grow. I'd take the shade and the "creepy crawlies," thank you!

-We finally got the ice cream, we were all complete, and we proceeded to do what we came there to do: which was trying to have fun and play games. The mood was a bit sour, because there were complaints about ants and biting. I was trying my hardest not to think about the hassle the day had brought. I would not lie that I thought I probably should have just let it be like any other day. I probably should have just bought data for netflix, lots of junk food, and my ice cream after school, but I was there with my people, and I was not going to let "my village people '' bring me down.

-We were finally there, and my friends decided to play a game called "shoe."
(Shoe is basically a game where a pair of shoes is dropped between two people on opposite sides. The goal of the game is to grab the pair before your opponent when you hear the word "shoe.")

-My friend, Benita went, "Head!"
We all proceeded to touch our heads

We all touched our knees.

The other group, the people standing opposite my group all got the shoe. We had a laugh. Okay, that seemed promising, so we continued with it. I was gunning for a win in the next round. I had touched the shoe, but was bullied off it. Our friend Benny thought we could fight it out until one of us had it. I decided, okay, let's do this!

-The next round started.



And she went on and on until she said, "Shoe!"

I grabbed it along with a friend, Funmi and proceeded to struggle for the shoe, which now that I think about is just foolishness. Well, we are allowed to be foolish. While we were both struggling for the shoe, my friend, Olayinka walked up to us to inform us that something was up with my jeans. At first, I thought it's a joke, and Funmi lets go of the shoe.

"Your jeans has torn" and guess what? Everyone could see my red underwear. Which was great! What was even greater was the fact that it was seen by a male friend before he pointed it out to Olayinka. I swallowed it in, stared at everyone while they stared at us, and counted it as one of those things.

Psssh, it's just underwear. Red lacy underwear, but it's still just underwear.
*Inserts crying emoji*
Atleast, I wasn't one of those girls that didn't wear underwear- the little things.

It wasn't even about the underwear. I had just got those jeans in the morning from my sister as a birthday gift, and I was absolutely in love with them. They were perfect! You know that feeling where you wear something, and it just feels right? It just boosts your confidence? I had wanted that type of pair of jeans, and I knew my sister was going to come through, but I lost it after a day, playing "Shoe."

It's really the high expectations that kill you.
The perfect pair of jeans? Those were the jeans my people!

Inside, I was screaming, but I went to complete my game of "Shoe." I was a woman on a mission, and I won eventually. I won all of the games I participated in that day.

-After the party, we went to our final class. My sister tagged along and wrote my notes for me.

-After the class, we stood up to leave. Olayinka slipped and fell in our faculty's Art theater- where we had our last class. There was lots of commotion. She was bleeding, and it was just perfect! She's crying and I was already in a "down mood"(not exactly happy or sad). I just stayed and wondered why my bad "juju" just kept hovering around the day.

Okay, maybe that was the last of it.

-It was not the last of it.

-We eventually made it to Yaba. My sister and I carried all the gifts of the day, my sister managed to dip her leg into wet concrete. There's a clamor, people gathered, and were able to wash it off her leg quickly so the thing doesn't dry off and destroy her shoes permanently. Nigerians can be nice.

-The next day came, I was on a group call, because I was about to lose one of my oldest friends, and a crucial member of my family. Roy, my dog died.

-The next day, after his death, was my sister's birthday.

The thing about Murphy's law is this, never say:

"What else could go wrong?"

This is because something else can and will go wrong- trust me, you don't want to find out. At the end of the day, life will test you. I think Murphy's law confirms the existence of "the fuckening."

The Fuckening- when you're really having a good day and something comes to ruin it.

Murphy's law- Whatever will go wrong will go wrong.

A friend of mine said that you attract what you think. If you keep thinking something bad will happen, then it will. I think that's not true, because these things happen to us. They try to disrupt our energy throughout the day. Sometimes, we ignore them, but it doesn't change the fact that these snags happen, and we go through our day without thinking much of it.

Regardless of things going wrong or days going from sweet to sour, there's always a reason to go on- there's family, there are friends, there are books, movies, all the places you have not seen, all the people you have not experienced, all the happiness in front of you, and all the versions of yourself that you'll never get to see.


Ps: If you really enjoyed reading this, clap up to fifty times, tell me what you think and share. Thank you, lovelies!




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