Learning Start-up KPIs: Weekly Update #4

Rachel Pemelton
3 min readMay 28, 2020

This marks the end of the fourth and final week of this project. I’ve been spending this month so far taking a few different approaches to learning everything I can about KPIs and startup analytics. You can view the previous weeks' update here, or check out my entire month’s work here!

What I Set Out to Accomplish

Based on my original outline and my revised plans after last week, my goals this week were to:

  • Create a video tutorial for Tableau
  • Learn more about using Excel for startup analytics
  • Create a video tutorial on Excel
  • Write three additional posts on the content I’ve been learning
  • Research and write a comparison post of two companies/KPIs
  • Write a weekly update post
  • Create a landing page to re-cap my work in one place

What I Actually Accomplished

This week I had much more success in completing my goals!

I created video tutorials for both Excel and Tableau, and wrote accompanying blog posts for both to give some additional context and information. Take a look at the posts I made on Tableau and Excel!

I wrote one other post on Choosing KPIs, but I did not do the research and comparison post that I had originally considered when I outlined this project. Although I still think it would be interesting and educational to do so, I felt that it was better to focus my time in this remaining week to learning software tools (which have a greater chance of being useful to me right now).

As planned, I also created a page to bring it all together and present my work from this month. Check it out!

What I Learned This Week

This week really drove home a few things for me.

  • It’s important to set reasonable expectations both to help you set clearer goals and avoid frustration and burnout.
  • Although I learned a lot about Tableau in general, I found that it was far more effective to find specific examples to work with that were relevant to my learning goals. (This video helped me a lot!)
  • It’s important to plan time to review and wrap things up! This week was down to the wire to not only finish learning and documenting everything but also bring it all together and polish it.
Screen-shot of the video that helped me learn Tableau

Skills I Used

  • Project and time management in Trello
  • Documenting and summarizing content and learning outcomes
  • Teaching through video tutorials
  • Self-teaching a tech tool
  • Tableau
  • Excel
  • Loom

Plans for Next Week

As I said, this is the final week I had planned for this project. However; that doesn’t mean I’m done learning! I still plan to continue building on the things I’ve learned this month, and I will update my landing page with a few final pieces.



Rachel Pemelton

Currently participating in the Praxis program. Always seeking to learn and improve myself.