Learning Start-up KPIs: Weekly Update #2

Rachel Pemelton
3 min readMay 15, 2020



Last week, I shared an outline of my month-long project. I’m currently working on learning all about startup metrics and analytics, with the goal of expanding my skills in that area and my general business knowledge, as well as creating articles that will guide someone else through the same process.

What I Set Out to Accomplish

  • Continue networking/cold contacting on LinkedIn
  • Continue researching KPIs, find recommended printed literature on the subject
  • Explore Google Analytics and create a video tutorial
  • Write a blog post covering what I learn
  • Write an update blog post

What I Actually Accomplished

After a bumpy first week trying to sort out my goals for the month, this week was the time to hit the books and start absorbing all the information I need. My primary focus was digging through online resources to get a solid grasp of KPIs for startups.

From my research this week I wrote an intro to metrics, and I’ve been able to outline my next piece on the topic as well. I also decided to use Trello to keep track of my tasks and progress (see a quick recap on my choice here).

In addition to reading up on KPIs on my own, I reached out to a few people within my network for advice on how/where to learn more. I took this as an opportunity to expand my network as well, and found new connections on Linkedin and sent them a cold request for their advice and insight on the topic.

What I Learned This Week

A few quick takeaways this week:

  • A browser search is your first step if you’re not sure where to start
  • Your initial search might not have what you need, but chances are you can find links to other useful and reputable sources in those first few articles.
  • Taking notes is essential! Don’t backtrack unless you have to.
  • How to network on LinkedIn

Skills I Used

  • Researching a new topic
  • Effective note-taking
  • Time management
  • Cold/warm ask emailing
  • Teaching via writing

Plans for Next Week

Honestly, I underestimated how much time I had lost in my first week this month, and the impact it would have on my work this past week. I spent the 10 hours I had allotted for this week on reading through 30+ articles on metrics and researching and crafting my ‘ask’ emails. However; I think I have knocked out the majority of my research, and will be able to focus more on my writing in the next week.

Next week I will be adjusting my schedule to allow for some catchup, and to accommodate some extra blog posts I’d like to include. I had originally planned to include a post this week detailing my process for cold emailing potential connections, but I am postponing this until next week in the hopes of getting some additional responses. I am also still in progress on my Google Analytics Tutorial, but I expect to have this completed first thing next week.



Rachel Pemelton

Currently participating in the Praxis program. Always seeking to learn and improve myself.