Rachel Thomas
3 min readJun 8, 2023


Racism in our Country(2023)

I was born in the Northeast. I was raised in the SouthEast in a little town named Lexington, North Carolina. I had white friends, black friends, Asian friends, Cambodian friends, Mexican friends. I didn’t see color nor did I care too. I was raised by a mother who loved all people and who had the biggest heart a person could have. That was over 25 years ago. I moved back to Pennsylvania a little over 25 years ago. Boy oh boy, talk about culture shock. Never, had I ever been exposed to such racism, prejudice, hate, cruelty, entitlement, etc… the list goes on and on…. Until I moved up north. It sickens me to think that racism was nearly non existent when I was younger compared to what it is now. Or maybe I just didn’t realize it even existed then. You didn’t hear people talk bout other people , the color of their skin, where they were from like you do now. It’s down right disgusting. I mean, in all honesty , hate starts at home. We are not born with hate, we are not born to see color, we are not born to be entitled, we are taught all these things at home or not taught them. I knew there was a difference in skin color growing up, but I didn’t care because if you were my friend you were my friend. I loved all people. Why can’t people just stop with the hate? I have heard that question so many times , and I , too have asked that same question. However, in order to change ones thought process they must want to change themselves. I truly believe those who hate, who spew racism, prejudice, entitlement, etc… are truly ignorant, uneducated people who lack basic common sense , morality, they lack the ability to make conscious decisions. It’s quite sad , however, I choose to be better than those people. I choose to be a better human being. Someone who loves without conditions, who sees beauty in the other person, who helps even when not asked to, I am someone who wants to put a smile on a strangers face. I don’t know their story or their battle, and even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. “Treat others the way you would want to be treated" . I have instilled that in my children and I know they will instill it in theirs. Now, I’m not saying to be a doormat, to allow someone to walk all over you, to out your guard down, trut is earned, respect is earned , kindness is free to give to everyone. Know your boundaries, keep yourself safe, respect yourself and love yourself and when you do , it will be easy for you to show that same level of love, respect , humility and trust to others. I don’t judge anyone . I have been homeless , I know what it’s like, and when I see a homeless person you damn sure better believe I’m first in line to give them food, water , clothing. I wish I could do more for them. I struggle with mental illness, depression, anxiety, PTSD. I have four children. I am an overprotective parent. And I will always be that way. I advocate for the safety of children, I advocate for mental illness and those struggling with it, I advocate for domestic violence victims as I am one myself. And because of what I’ve been through it the exact reason I need to be the voice for those who don’t have one. I advocate for the LGBTQ community. My best friends are homosexual and I love them dearly. It’s what you got through in life that humbles you. And if what you go through doesn’t humble you and make you a better person, well, I just have now words.

Be humble, be proud, be happy, love one another, love yourself, respect yourself , help others when you can, Don’t judge, and please stop hating.

God bless ,




Rachel Thomas

Mom , cat mom, lover of all animals, freelance writer, freelance copywriter, content editor , blogger , crafter and woodworker, love the outdoors and nature