Why You Need to Listen to Yourself

We often underestimate the power of our own inner guidance system.

Rachid Sakara
3 min readOct 18, 2023
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

It’s time to stop and listen.

Not to your friends, family, or the latest trends on social media.

It’s time to start listening to yourself.

But here’s the problem — nobody knows how to listen to themselves.

We live in a world where distractions are everywhere.

From the constant scrolling on TikTok to blaring music while driving, and the never-ending noise of the radio when we’re at home, it’s as if silence has become a rare commodity.

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Even when we seek advice or opinion, we turn to others instead of ourselves.

We ask for validation from friends, coworkers, and even professionals like psychologists.

We become clients, seeking wisdom and advice on how to live our lives.

But in this process, we forget to tap into our own intuition and wisdom.

When was the last time you sat down, in a quiet room, and truly listened to your own desires, dreams, and aspirations?

When was the last time you defined what success truly means to you?

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Success is not defined by societal standards of owning multiple properties or flashy cars. It is something more profound and personal.

Success is about finding your own version of freedom.

Listening to yourself means understanding what truly matters to you, deep down. It means recognizing your passions, values, and goals.

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When you take the time to listen to yourself, you gain clarity and direction. You begin to align your actions with your authentic self, rather than bending to the pressure of external influences.

It’s about honoring your own voice, your own desires, and your own dreams.

To truly listen to yourself, you need to create space for silence. Turn off the constant noise and distractions.

Find moments of stillness in your day, whether it’s by taking a walk in nature, practicing meditation, or simply sitting in solitude for a few minutes.

In these moments, you give yourself the opportunity to hear your own inner voice.

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Listening to yourself also means trusting your instincts and intuition.

We often underestimate the power of our own inner guidance system.

When faced with decisions, we tend to seek advice from others.

While it’s important to consider different perspectives, ultimately, you are the expert of your own life.

Trusting yourself and your intuition can lead you down a path that feels right for you.

It’s crucial to give yourself permission to dream and define your own symphony of success.

What does success look like to you? Is it pursuing a career that aligns with your passions? Is it having time freedom to spend with loved ones? Is it making a positive impact in the world

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Rachid Sakara

Blogger & Content creator sharing the tools and methods helping you to manifest money, success and happiness. https://medium.com/@rachidsakara/subscribe