Leetcode: Power (x, n)

Rachit Gupta
1 min readDec 23, 2016


The brute force way is to multiply x, n times. This will lead to n computations. We can use divide and conquer approach to solve this.

  1. For an even n find x^(n/2) and multiply it with itself
  2. For an odd n find x^((n-1)/2) multiply it with itself and then multiply by x

The above process is recursive, we can do the same using iteration

  1. Start with single x
  2. If the remaining power is even we square the current number and reduce the remaining power to half
  3. if remaining power is odd we multiply x and reduce it by 1
  4. Continue the process till remaining power is 1 and finally multiply an x

For eg. suppose x=2 and n=9

res, n = ²⁰, 9 → odd n → res, n = ²¹, 8

res, n = ²¹, 8 → even n → res, n = ²², 4

res, n = ²², 8 → even n → res, n = ²⁴, 2

res, n =²⁴, 2 → even n → res, n = ²⁸, 1


  1. O(log n) time complexity
  2. O(1) space complexity
class Solution(object):
def myPow(self, x, n):
:type x: float
:type n: int
:rtype: float
res = 1
x = 1 / x if n < 0 else (1 if n == 0 else x)
m = abs(n)
while m > 1:
if m % 2:
res *= x
m -= 1
x = x * x
m /= 2
return res * x

