Few helpful IntelliJ shortcuts

Rachit M
2 min readOct 24, 2017


Some of the IntelliJ shortcuts I use actively

cmd + ctrl + a — Open command panel

cmd + [ — Move back

cmd + ] — Move forward

cmd + shift + e — Show recently edit files

cmd + ctrl + g — Select all occurrences

cmd + 1 — Open project panel

cmd + shift + v — Show clipboard history

cmd + p — Show method parameters

cmd + shift + u — Change letter case

cmd + b — Go to implementation

cmd + option+ b — See all implementations

cmd + u — Super method

cmd + j — Insert template

cmd + o— Open class

cmd + shift+ o — Open file

cmd + option+ o — Open symbol

shift + shift— Open symbol

cmd + d— Duplicate line or selection

alt + up/down — Incremental block selection

ctrl + t— Refactor

ctrl + shift + space— Smart complete

cmd + + — Expand

cmd + - — Collapse

option + enter — Show intentions

ctrl + r — Run app

ctrl + shift + r — Re run app

ctrl + d — Run debugger

ctrl + cmd + z — Attach debugger (Added by me)

cmd + f9 — Build project

ctrl + shift + x— Clean project(Added by me)

cmd + shift + f12 — Hide all panels

A plugin to help you remember all of them

A plugin to learn more about IDE

