Words of Encouragement for When You Feel Like You Don’t Belong

Rachel Hardy
6 min readMar 10, 2020
Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

As a quiet and quirky introvert, I’ve always lived my life a little bit on the outside. Growing up, I had groups of friends who loved my dearly and while my family has never once made me feel like I don’t belong, I’ve always been conscious of the fact that still, I don’t quite fit in either.

I was like that puzzle piece you thought fit perfectly, all the colors were right, the shape seemed right, but when you went to drop it carefully in place, you realized that the edges were off, the piece was curved where it should have be straight, and the only way to make the piece fit was to jam it into place-irrevocably destroying what was once a perfectly good picture.

I quietly accepted my role on the outside when I was a young girl. I was comfortable living my life within fantasy novels. I liked my loud and colorful clothing. I didn’t know that there was anything wrong with my snaggle tooth and my big frizzy hair and the extra weight I put on over the summer.

Back then, I was just comfortably me and I managed to find a few oddball friends who were just as comfortable with their weirdness as I was. And at home, I always had my sisters. They were my closest friends, my confidants, my partners in crime, and so I never felt alone.



Rachel Hardy

Join me as I embrace an intentional, natural, and slow life that’s true to me💕 Aspiring breath coach 💨 Dog mom 🐶 SEO professional 💻