You Gotta Hear About This Wellness Trend

Rachel Bell
7 min readApr 7, 2018

What if you could feel less anxiety, sleep better, and have more energy? Is your answer to buy a bushel of kale? Hop on the Peloton bike trend? Test intermittent fasting? Relax in an infrared sauna? Those all have their merits, but there’s a superior solution. In fact, it’s how you lose weight.

You guessed it…breath!

According to Ruben Meerman¹, “If you lose 10 pounds of fat, precisely 8.4 pounds comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6 pounds turns into water. In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled.”

Be honest: did you guess breath? Breath likely wasn’t top of mind because it’s an automatic process occurring in the background of your life, like a white noise machine that’s always connected to you. Since you can’t see it, suboptimal breathing is not easily recognizable like a skin breakout or weight gain.

Unfortunately, many people are affected by poor breathing in today’s world. Ineffective breathing patterns arise from poor posture, injuries, anxiety, stress, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, and more.

Poor breathing puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, cognitive problems, low energy, hypertension, digestive issues, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping. If you’ve ever gone running and had painfully sore calves the next day making it…



Rachel Bell

Morning-thinker. Day-doer. Adventurer. Meditator. Aspiring Good Cook. Printed book reader. Done tech things. Doing wellness things.