工程師應知道的0x10個問題(14): 動態記憶體配置

MuLong PuYang
5 min readMar 19, 2022



A ‘C’ Test: The 0x10 Best Questions for Would-be Embedded Programmers


C語言測試 應知道的0x10個基本問題


14. Although not as common as in non-embedded computers, embedded systems still do dynamically allocate memory from the heap. What are the problems with dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems?


Here, I expect the user to mention memory fragmentation, problems with garbage collection, variable execution time, etc. This topic has been covered extensively in ESP, mainly by Plauger. His explanations are far more insightful than anything I could offer here, so go and read those back issues! Having lulled the candidate into a sense of false security, I then offer up this tidbit:


注:原文這邊:"I then offer up this tidbit",因為tidbit有美味小吃或者是小片珍饈的意思,所以這邊我使用中文來源的譯法將tidbit翻成小題目

What does the following code fragment output and why?


char *ptr;

if ((ptr = (char *)malloc(0)) == NULL) {

puts(“Got a null pointer”);


else {

puts(“Got a valid pointer”);


This is a fun question. I stumbled across this only recently, when a colleague of mine inadvertently passed a value of 0 to malloc, and got back a valid pointer! After doing some digging, I discovered that the result of malloc(0) is implementation defined, so that the correct answer is ‘it depends’. I use this to start a discussion on what the interviewee thinks is the correct thing for malloc to do. Getting the right answer here is nowhere near as important as the way you approach the problem and the rationale for your decision.


注1:I discovered that the result of malloc(0) is implementation defined, so that the correct answer is ‘it depends’.
這裡implementation defined我覺得應該要譯成實作定義的,如果有讀者覺得有更好的譯法歡迎留言告訴我。另外後面的‘it depends’,我查了一下It depends這篇的解說,基本上是要看情況的意思,這裡其實我真的很不懂作者想表達的意思,如果有讀者理解這個作者想表達的意思,歡迎留言告訴我


注1: 以下是我的自我實作以及理解的部分,不保證正確而且很有可能描述不清楚或者是有錯誤,讀者若發現有可以更正的地方也歡迎留言告訴我注2: 以下皆簡單的使用Ubuntu 20.04虛擬機做測試,並非真實的嵌入式系統,所以Ubuntu 20.04出來的成果可能會與嵌入式系統上的有差異注2: 以下皆簡單的使用Ubuntu 20.04虛擬機做測試,並非真實的嵌入式系統,所以Ubuntu 20.04出來的成果可能會與嵌入式系統上的有差異



Got a valid pointer


1) C語言中關於malloc(0)問題
2) ptr = (char *)malloc(0)
這一篇stack overflow就是純討論,似乎沒有限定在哪一個編譯器
3) What's the point of malloc(0)?

